
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Weekly Medical Update

I can't keep up with posting about all of our appointments the day they happen, so this week will have them all lumped together.

Here are the highlights:

Tuesday 1/27: John had his pins removed! YAY! The doctor told me John had to wait 24 hours to allow the pin site area to heal over before he would be allowed to change diapers. Hurray for help changing diapers! And giving baths! And carrying William! He still can't get his wedding ring on due to the swelling, but that day is coming soon (remind me someday to tell you about how they managed to save his wedding ring in the ER).

John had a physical therapy appointment after the pins were taken out and he was given about an hours worth of exercises he is supposed to complete every day. He is going to have weekly therapy appointments for the next month to six weeks (just in time for me to start my weekly OB appointments). We really will be living at the doctor's office for the next few months!

This picture just cracks me up. It was raining/sleeting when we pulled in to the parking lot for John's appointment. We watched the couple in the car next to us struggling with something and then go into the building. Upon closer inspection, these people have taken a bedsheet and shut into their car doors over the windshield to keep ice from forming on their windshield during their appointment. The funny thing is: this isn't the first time I've seen people here do something like this. Just the first time I've taken a picture.
The pins that were in John's finger.
John's hand/finger with the pins next to the ring finger. He was able to really wash his hand for the first time since the accident and it is looks SO much better!
The side of his ring finger where most of the injury was located.

Thursday 1/29: We had William's two year well child check up with our pediatrition. As expected, William is doing very well and has met all his milestones. We talked a LOT about eating and our concerns that William isn't eating enough of the right stuff. It was reassuring to hear that we are doing the right thing, but frustrating to know that we are just going to have to work through this phase. It appears we are just starting the picky toddler eating phase early. We were advised to switch him over to skim milk and given the okay for peanut butter (hooray!).

We were surprised to find that William had ear infections in both ears with a lot of fluid build up. Turns out he probably hasn't been feeling good which was affecting his sleeping last weekend. We started anitbiotics and have already seen some improvement. Yay again!

We only got one shot this time, but William was NOT happy about it. He cried/complained off and on for the next 45 minutes to hour after the shot. He is turning into kind of a dramatic little boy. He would be happily playing with a toy and then turn to me and grab his leg crying "ow, ow, ow!" and start crying all over again.

The current stats are:

Height: 35.75 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 29.5 lbs (70th percentile)

And finally a cute picture of our Big Boy wearing his NDSU sweatshirt (should this size 4T fit him? I think it is mislabeled). For those of you who are not NDSU fans, I'd like to remind you the boy doesn't have any clothes to represent any other North Dakota school.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hooray for getting your pins out John!!! Looking at the pictures brings back flooded memories of my own ring finger saga. Wrinkley skin and all!!! Although I never had pins like that... OUCH!

Tristan and William must be friends. Tristan won't eat much these days eitehr. Tristan won't even eat birthday cake or ice cream... What a strange child! I am glad to hear that William's appointment went well :) Grow William Grow!!!

Have a good weekend :)