How can our baby be 4 months old? Amelia is turning into quite the big girl. She is now rolling in all directions quite rapidly. Earlier today, she transported herself to the trashcan on the floor of the hall to check out the plastic bag inside and ended up tipping it over on herself. Luckily, I was right there to catch the can before she was covered in 2 days worth of poopy diapers (and yes, the trashcan now has a new, baby friendly location). With all her self propelling these days, we have had to upgrade to a bed sized comforter on the floor to attempt to contain the spit up stains on our carpet. She still manages to get herself to the side and urp over the edge, but it helps. Scooting in the forward direction isn't far off as recently I've watched her work and work to get to toys right in front of her. Legs kicking and arms flailing push her forward at about 2.5 mm per hour, but she is getting there! Or rather, not getting there yet.
I'm not sure what is up with her hair...either her head is growing so rapidly, it appears her hair is falling out (my favorite theory) or her hair is falling out. I am so sad to be loosing the wild woman hair.
Our girl also loves to be upright. I'm not sure if this is related a little to her spitty reflux or just a baby determined to satrt running to catch up with her brother. But, Amelia loves to sit and stand upright. She would do this all day long if I had nothing else to do.
Amelia continues to be quite social. There isn't anyone out there who she won't smile and giggle for. She is quite the flirt and charms people from the other side of the room on a regular basis. We frequently go places with her and have complete strangers approach us after she has worked her magic on them. She is utterly irresistible. We think so too.
Although she loves eating, her curiosity about the world around her is starting to interfere with this favorite pastime. If there are noises or people talking loudly in the room around her, Amelia often has to stop and check out what is going on. This girl doesn't want to miss anything. Even if it is quiet and the two of us are alone, she frequently has to stop eating to flash her beautiful smile at me...which always makes me laugh. Which in turn, always makes Amelia laugh, which makes me laugh more. It isn't unusual for us to sit on the couch and quietly giggle at each other for several minutes until one of us decides it is time to get back to business.
Speaking of eating, we are breaking ground on teeth. She is on the early side, just as William was with her first tooth breaking through just a few days before she turned four months old and the second tooth close behind. I'm not sure what kind of food she thinks she'll need those teeth for, but I guess she'll be ready when we get there.
In fact, sometimes more than one hand is even good
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