William is all kinds of cute and devilish at the same time. He can push my buttons faster than...anything I can think of and then melt my heart in the next moment. He is stubborn and loving, irritating and sweet all at once. In the above picture, he discovered Amelia's hiding spot (her crib) and climbed up to make sure she wasn't having fun in there without him. After clbiming up there, he said to me "Baby not sleeping! Eyes open!". Well, of course they are after you scaled the crib and then poked her in the eye!
Here are just a handful of other things he has said over the last few weeks that John and I have laughed over later (why, yes I am writing them down as blackmail for later):
-Explanation: This quote is from before Amelia was born. We have a dump truck and a bulldozer toy that have drivers. When they were new, we referred to the drivers and the "guys who drive the truck". Inadvertently, we had named the drivers both guy.
My parents were in town visiting for my birthday. They took William to Dairy Queen for lunch and were enjoying some people watching when a man in a large white pickup truck drove up and came into the restaurant. William watched the man walk in and studied him carefully. He was wearing jeans and a baseball cap - based on his appearance, it was very possible he worked in construction. After several moments, William breathed "Guy?!?!" in disbelief. Here he was in the flesh, his hero: Guy. He hardly knew what to do with himself he was so excited. Luckily "Guy" got his lunch and went on his way so everyone at our table could eat theirs.
"P is for Precious"
Explanation: I was laying on the floor with Amelia talking to her during tummy time this last week. William was nearby driving his 239482739625983 matchbox cars in a race only he understands. Amelia was all sweetness. She was laughing and cooing at me and I was laughing and cooing right back. Because, how do you not when they are so sweet? Several times I said to her "You are so precious baby girl. You are my precious baby girl" in my best baby talk voice and she was eating it up. Without looking up from his race, William mumbled "P is for Precious". I sat straight up and asked him to repeat himself. When he did, I was blown away*. He on the other hand went right back to his race.
*William is very interested in letters/numbers. Do I think he understands them completely? Nope.
"Little trees going down in my belly" Explanation: We had grilled chicken and a few sides for dinner one night last week. One of the sides was fettuccine alfredo with some fresh broccoli mixed in because I know William will eat the noodles and I'm hoping he'll accidentally eat some broccoli. He was on to me right away and pulled out a teeny piece of broccoli. "What's dat?" he asked me. "Broccoli, it is like a little tree" was my reply. He looked at me and looked at the broccoli. "Little tree?" he asked. "Yep, little trees" I replied, holding my breath, hoping that teeny piece was going to go into his mouth.
But no. He studied the broccoli a little longer and then pulled the neck of his shirt forward in order to insert the broccoli. He patted his chest "Broccoli in belly" he stated, very proud of himself.
What mama looking for?
-Explanation: I hear this quote about 75 bazillion times a day repeated over and over again within seconds of the last inquiry. I understand he is trying to have a conversation with me, he wants attention. But really, I'm still folding clothes. I'm not looking for anything. I promise, nothing exciting will happen without you.
I looking out the window for cows
-Explanation: On the way to Rochester last weekend, William talked to Grandpa on the phone for a few minutes. All of a sudden he is able to talk on the phone and almost have a conversation. I was enjoying listening to his side of the conversation when I heard him say "I looking out the window for cows." I was shocked! So many words in a row! And sure enough, not a minute before, the two of us had been looking out the window for cows.
I want to wear pretty dress!
-Explanation: On Mother's Day I put Amelia in a pretty dress (Note: I love girl clothes. Dressing girls up is so fun! I swear I change Amelia's clothes 3 times a day just because I can). I was ooooohing and ahhhing over Amelia's dress and trying to get a smile from her when William suddenly was jealous. He stamped his feet and demanded "I want to wear pretty dress!!"
New shoes! Lights!
-Explanation: We got William new shoes last weekend because the kid is growing like a weed. A cute weed, but still. Growing like crazy. Grandpa and Grandma were helpers that day and Grandpa managed to come up with a pair of light up tennis shoes. William was immediately in love and has now announed to everyone who will listen (and a few who won't) New shoes! Lights! And then he stamps his feet around to show them off.
"Mama! Baby making mess!"
Explanation: I heard William yelling this from the laundry room this last week. Unpon investigation, she certainly had made a mess. Spit up ALL down the front of her shirt and all over the swing cover. Now he just needs to learn how to use the burp cloth.
"My eyes are still tired Mama"
Explanation: I heard this two weeks ago when he had slept for almost 3.5 hours. I finally went in to wake him so we could go to the park (and so he would sleep that night) and when I finally roused him, this is what he said to me.
Fake laughing on the phone talking to Daddy "Jokes mama. I tell jokes." More fake laughing. John asks "Is he okay? He keeps coughing."
"I make toot toots (passed gas) in the potty Mama. [leaning over to look under his behind into the toilet] Where they go?"
Explanation: I think this one is pretty self explanatory
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