This week I was going through some things in Amelia's room (she doesn't actually sleep there yet) and I found some hair bows. Velcro hair bows that will potentially stay in very baby fine hair. So, on May 7th, Amelia wore her very first hair bow. Until her brother pulled it out.
William has obviously been watching us! I went to the laundry room to start the dryer and came back to see this! and sorry it is crooked!
We have the cutest boy on the planet. Remind me about this tomorrow when he is throwing a tantrum about not being able to put on his own diaper, drive the car or cook on the stove.
And as a bonus for you all, here is an old video of Amelia (Amelia is roughly 2 weeks old) making faces and eating her hands. In the background you can hear the soothing sounds of 1231089725 onesies with snaps in the dryer and William playing. At one point, William bumps his arm while playing and then goes ahead and kisses the owie himself. Because he really is that cute.
And here we have William playing golf with Grandma and Grandpa when they were here visiting last!
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