But, I wanted to take a little time to talk about how much we are enjoying this baby girl of ours. Amelia is still consistently sleeping through the night in huge stretches. A little part of me worries about this, but most of me just really likes to sleep. Most night she is sleeping (the surest way to ensure she will stop is to publish it) from 10:30 to about 7:30am without waking as has been since she was four weeks old. She might have started it sooner if I hadn't been waking her in the middle of the night to eat. We'll never know, I guess. I think we're getting close to working towards a schedule for eating/sleeping with her. I have a feeling she is already doing it or ready to try - I'm just so disorganized I'm holding her back. On the list of things to do this week and next is to pay attention to her sleep/wake times and see where she is at.
Amelia is a smile machine. She smiles a LOT and does quite a bit of cooing as well. I was trying to pay bills earlier in the week with her on my lap. She kept making squeaking noises so I would look down at her. When she got my attention, she would smile HUGE with her whole body. The lips were grinning, her arms were waving, and her legs akickin' away. Very cute. Then she would coo some more at me. I swear it took me over 2 hours to pay 3 small bills. Oh well.
She is just starting to discover her hands and is very interested in them. They are also very interested in her. Her hands wave around her face until she catches sight of them and then she gets very still. She spends a few seconds studying the new object in front of her until...it hits her in the face. And then she cries like a baby.
And when she cries - she does it with everything she has. You cannot hear yourself think when this little lady cries and we all run around like crazy trying to fix her up when she does cry. Which isn't often and rarely without reason.
She is also very wiggly. Amelia has already rolled from her front to both sides as well as all the way to her front and from her front to her back. However, this was totally by accident and doesn't count because she had no idea what she was doing. She regularly unswaddles herself and the day for the unswaddling is approaching rapidly. She gets her arms going and works both arms out of the swaddle on a regular basis in order to clunk herself in the face more often. Amelia enjoys her time on her tummy, although I don't think she gets as much tummy time as her brother did. It is just too dangerous to leave her laying around on the ground with Mr Rambunctious running around at top speeds.
Amelia is a very big mama's girl currently. She definately prefers me to just about anyone else with the exception of her brother. She might prefer him to me, but I don't think she realizes that without us, he would drop her right on her pretty little head. I'm sure that leaves me in first place.
I'm sure there were other remarkable things I wanted to write about, but I can't remember them, so on to the pictures.
1 comment:
I am positive that our new baby will have a million nicknames with a few weeks as well.. I live with John, what can I say? With Henry, he tricked me into liking the nickname he really wanted to use, "Hen-Hen". At first, I rather disliked it. So, John started calling him "Ri Ri" which I hated. Hen-hen seemed to be one I could live with, so it stuck. He doesn't get called this much anymore, being 4 and all, he's not a baby. :(
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