Amelia is 7 weeks old today - she is getting SO big! I've had to pack away most of our 0-3 month clothing. She is just so tall that her legs can't bend inside most of the one piece outfits. So, we're on to the 3-6 month set! This week Amelia is really starting to show her sunny personality. She is talking up a storm, smiling like crazy and even starting to laugh. We are eating it up around here. And so is she. We were at the doctor's office last week (yes, both kids had a virus it turns out) and Amelia tipped the scales at 11 lbs 8.25 ounces. Even the doctor was impressed. No more worries about our slow to start eater (still a post brewing about this one)!
Before she was born, John and I unpacked our baby stuff leftover from William. We were shocked by how many bibs and burp clothes we had in our stash. After going through some old pictures, the memories came flooding back. William spit up ALL.THE.TIME. We held out a small amount of hope that this time things would be different and this child would hold down their dinner. We were initially excited because there really wasn't much spit up. Just a little here and there. Turns out, she really wasn't eating enough to show her true force of spew. Also turns out Amelia is also a spitter. At this time, it appears Amelia is in the classification of the happy spitter. Totally happy, just messy. Only time will tell if she is going to flow with the same awesome-ness that her brother demonstrated.
I took the time for a very quick shoot today with Amelia. The outfit she is wearing is particularly special as it is an outfit my mom made for me before I was born. Only she never finished it by putting the buttons on the sweater or the ribbons on the hat. So, some 30 years later, she decided It Was Time. Time to finish this project and hand the sweater and hat set off to me. It is beautiful and special. And Amelia was darling in it. As always, the photos are unedited and should be fixed up. But, they're not. Oh well.
Ah yes, the spitting gene. There has to one doesn't there? We hoped and prayed our second wouldn't be a spitter, it couldn't get worse could it? And then, Henry came along and he was not only a worse spitter, but a crabby crying spitter who spit up longer than the first. Still hoping and praying this baby to come doesn't spit up oodles, but we are prepared for the worse this time around. A friend made some beautiful spit rags for us, we gotta put them to good use.
Love the outfit, wondered if it was homemade. How special.
Not sure if you see it or not, but when I saw the first picture, I thought she looks a lot like William. How sweet :)
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