Here is the long version of what happened (warning:some parts are a little descriptive!):
We were scheduled to be induced at 8 pm on Friday after long weeks of waiting for our baby to come. The previous weekend, labor had started and stopped on Friday and Saturday. Kelly was getting more and more uncomfortable and with our doctor we decided to schedule an induction for the 26th.
Throughout the week, Kelly suspected that she might be leaking fluid. On Tuesday, we went back to the doctor to be checked. The doctor couldn't tell if fluid was leaking or not. One test came back positive and the other negative for amniotic fluid. Kelly was dilated to 4cm (up from 3 cm the previous Friday) and totally effaced and station -1. At this point, the doctor commented to us for the third time since the middle of January: "I'm not sure why we don't have a baby yet! You are dilated, effaced and ready to go - all that is missing is contractions!"
Friday the 26th, the fluid leaking was increased, so we went back to the doctor's office. Again, one test was positive and the other was negative. But, the doctor advised us to go ahead and go to the hospital early to be monitored and have them break Kelly's water to get things going. If needed, we could continue with the induction in the evening if labor hadn't progressed.
We arrived at the hospital at about 2:30 pm and got checked into a room. Kelly was hooked up to monitors and found she was having contractions (no pain) regularly. The baby's heart rate was good and by 4pm the house doctor came in for an exam and broke Kelly's water. The doctor also let us know Kelly was dilated to almost 5 cm. Kelly's water was broken at about4:15pm and almost immediately hard labor began.
The contractions were very intense and had almost no break between them. Kelly tried walking and different positions/breathing to help with the pain. After about a half hour, Kelly requested an epidural to help with the pain. She was given the epidural at about 5:20pm. During that hour, the nurse informed us Kelly had progressed quickly from 5 cm to 7 cm. The epidural made a HUGE difference. We were all able to relax and Kelly even took a short nap while we waited for our baby to come.
At around 8pm, the baby's heart rate dropped for a few seconds and the nurses came in and told us that Kelly had had 4 intense contractions in a row which meant she was probably "complete" and our doctor had been called. Our doctor arrived and had us start pushing around 8:15pm. During the pushing, the baby's heart rate again was dropping to low levels during contractions and the doctor warned us if we didn't deliver the baby soon, she was going to have to help him out. Kelly took this to mean a C-section as she couldn't see the vacuum being set up. Kelly did NOT want to have a C section if she could help it and really put everything she had into the next 2 pushes. Our baby boy was born at 8:46pm after about 30 minutes of pushing. He had his cord wrapped around his neck and looped once around his body which we were told was causing his heart rate to drop.
Present at our baby's birth was John, Grandma Kim and probably Grandma Heidt. He needed a lot of suction to clear fluid from his lungs, but was given an APGAR score of 6 after one minute and a 9 after five minutes. Kelly was able to feed him after about an hour of being born. Although it went a lot quicker than we thought it would, we were happy to have our baby boy after four and a half hours of labor!
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