
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

8 Months Old!

I was packing up totes with William's "old" baby clothes. He sure has come a long way! Happy 8 Months together baby! Have you only been with us for 8 months? Here are some pictures from Mama's photo shoot today...

We tried something different with the blue background today. I kind of like it, although it has a shadow problem!

Look at all those teeth! I'm pretty sure tooth #8 will be here any day with the way he is chewing!

Eating the blanket is more fun that smiling for mama

Snuggled up with his blanket

Just before William turned 8 months old, he mastered the fake smile. Here it is on display in all its cheesy fakeness.

Playing with his Fisher Price credit card. Of course he has a credit card. He was born with it like all Americans nowadays.

He thinks he is pretty hot stuff sitting by himself in this chair!

He really is smiling. Not big, but smiling nonetheless...

Uh, well, I'm not sure what this look is. But, it sure looks grown up :( The other reason I don't like this picture: he looks like he has monstrous feet! (he does have big feet, just not THIS big, promise).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ish-Da (pronouce with heavy Norweigen accent)

Ish-Da*. Who SAYS that? My mom, my grandma, and great grandma....and now, so do I. Apparently, when you see your son standing in front of the toilet with his mouth open to chew on the seat, a switch turns on in your head and the words come out of your mouth. The switch stays permanently on. Just warning you.

* I don't know the precise meaning of ishda or where it technically comes from. Or even if it is technically a word anywhere. But, my Norwegian descent female family members use it to express disgust or general grossness of situations.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hello, How are You?

Well, it turns out I update my blog most of the time during naps. And this week, William has decided that napping is for babies. In the middle of last week, he decided it was way more fun to be crabby and cry a whole lot than to succumb to the evil nap. Then, he decided he didn't like eating any solid foods. Or even nursing all that much. To top it off over the weekend he decided to run a fever and stop sleeping through the night. I knew something was up, but tried to wait it out. Really, I did try. This afternoon when William was wailing away in his high chair after refusing his123129483463592385th cereal feeding since last week, I gave up and call the doctor's office. I was a little worried about bringing him in because of stupid insurance companies, but decided to risk owing the doctor's office $15576879687985.59 and made an appointment. The good news is William has some sort of viral infection in his throat and he isn't contagious anymore. This is good for several reasons. First, it means that he is almost better and I might get my sweet baby boy back soon. Second, it means that I can maybe return to the Y tomorrow and use their child care. Not being able to drop him off has been really cramping my style. Because, you know, it is really all about me.

The bad news is that we had to have a "sick" baby appointment in order to get this news. And, there was a lot of scary stuff going on in the waiting room. A lot of spots, coughing and other mysterious illnesses. After the appointment, I was relieved that this was not announced "teething pain". He is legitimately sick - it is possible that I do know what I am doing here. The doctor was quite impressed with his "mouthful of teeth" and his "cute observing eyes" during the proceedings.

In other news, John painted? stained? our deck this weekend while I played the sick baby games. William learned how to make a fantastic lip noise with his mouth that sounds like he is ready to play the trumpet. Or possibly the trombone or tuba. We will have to show it to Grandpa for a musical assessment to determine which instrument this lip noise is most suited towards.

I'm tired - off to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow...

Monday, September 17, 2007

New Stuff!

I was so busy trying to get you caught up, I haven't had time to tell you about all the new cute stuff William is doing (and some not so cute).

Crawling like crazy! And fast!

Tooth #7 broke through Sunday (bottom, right side)

Loves LOVES!! his books. Will actually sit still and LISTEN for an entire book or two. Turns the pages of his books. Will actually look at books by himself when he is playing -although many times upside down. Several times he has been upset and crying. When we opened up a book to read to him, he settled right down. I must say, this brings a tear to this teacher's eyes.

He has rediscovered his hands and their usefulness. He has found the opening and shutting of his hands to be extraordinary. So amazing that he can sit and watch his hands open and close for several seconds at a time. We call this phenomena: The sound of one hand clapping. He also opens and shuts the hand several times before grabbing an object as if to reassure himself that it is all working. We've done a little work to develop this movement into "Hello!" and "Goodbye" waves without much success so far.

Pincher grasp! It is finally here, sort of. In the last week William has finally noticed the smaller sized beads on some of his toys. He is also getting some foods to his mouth with about 83.4% accuracy. Every day it gets quicker and quicker. It has been amazing to watch it develop almost over night.

Well, that is all for now....

the heidts

The Great Wild North (pronounced Nor-T)

I'm playing catch up here. There are several new posts - you'll need to go down to see them all.

We left for Rochester on Wednesday afternoon. William was a trooper in the car - we were a little worried as he is more mobile now if he wouldn't be as content to sit for as long in the car. We had a few little fussy times, but overall it went wonderfully. William enjoying visiting with the Grandmas and Grandpas very much. On Thursday evening, William discovered he could climb the stairs! He spent a good chunk of the rest of our visit practicing this skill whenever he had a spare moment of free time (whenever anyone wasn't looking). Not to worry, he was always spotted very carefully from both the top and bottom of the stairs.

Playing with Grandpa and the frog puppet

Going Up!

We made it!

Friday was a big day for us! We got to see a lot of different people. On Friday, William got to meet his new cousins for the first time. We had to be careful as William is still sporting a runny nose. William came with us for some quick pictures and then he went back to hang out with Grandpa Kevin. The babies were beautiful as expected and it was so fun to hold them and snuggle them close! John and I both got to hold BOTH babies, although John did not attempt to two baby hold. We enjoyed visiting with Mike while the babyfest was going on.

Cousins! (L-R) Elena, Alexander & William held by Mike and John

Mike and his babies! Elena & Alexander

Me practicing my 2 baby hold.

Friday afternoon, we had another special treat! My friend from high school (Robyn) came with her 1 year old baby (Jacob) to visit. It was fun to see her again and catch up as well as watch our boys play together. Okay, well sort of play at the same time in the same room. Jacob is now walking and William loved watching him run all over the place.

Me, William, Robyn & Jacob. Why do we always wait to take pictures at the end? Neither boy is very happy to sit still for a picture here.

Friday evening, John and I met Jessica and Chris for dinner while Grandpa and Grandma babysat. It was delightful to go without the diaper bag or worry about high chairs not to mention the adult conversation!

Saturday we went out for lunch with Grandpa and Grandma and then back to the store where Grandpa works to help him out. William liked the egg shaker toys and the big drums the best! It was REALLY busy when we were there, so we didn't get to do the fun stuff like sit in Grandpa's chair or play with the cash register. Next time.

Playing drums at Grandpa's store

Playing with Grandpa Heidt's dump truck on Saturday afternoon

Saturday evening, Aunt Megan came for dinner to visit. William really liked seeing Megan again. We all ate dinner together with William in his high chair! Megan and William read stories and played with toys before William had to go to bed.

Reading a new book with Aunt Megan

Building....something with Aunt Megan

Sunday morning, we went for brunch at Valentinos with Aunt Kaye and Scott. We were impressed that we got to visit with them as their flight from Germany came in LATE on Saturday night! No pictures from that as our camera was packed up in the car!

Hip -Hippo- Hurray

We picked up a new push toy from one of the neighbors earlier this week. It is pretty cute. Within the first few moments of having it in the house, William safely pulled up on it and took a few steps. He wasn't sure he liked when it moved so he stood up, took a few steps and then would sit down again.

Pushing on your knees isn't as scary

Tastes good!

Exer-baby! Also works for ballet and squats.

Oh! And the yellow handle part folds down and then you can sit on it. How fun is that? Especially when Daddy is pushing you?

Our Bruiser

Playing catch up here after returning from a wild trip to the great North. Now that William is more mobile (read: faster), he is getting himself into more trouble than mommy can keep up with. Our little bruiser. There are 3 bruises on his forehead (above R eye, 2 in an X shape over his left eye). He has a bump on his chin and several scratches under his eyes. Looks like we should invest in a face mask. Or a padded room.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why I love my dad, Rochester

Just a quick post with two things I need to tell you. We are leaving for Rochester tomorrow afternoon sometime and returning on Sunday. I called my parents to inform them that they would be hosting us starting tomorrow when I happened to mention to my dad I was on a quest. A quest for a brownie recipe.

It all started on a cool night last weekend. The chocolate cravings were kicking in and it was actually cool enough to turn lights on as well as the oven inside the house without getting heat stroke. So, I pulled out the brownie mix. On the side of the box, I spied a recipe for "4 star brownies". I am unable to resist such things. Brownies good enough for the 4 star rating, but not enough for 5? Irresistible. So I made them and they were excellent. So good, I would like to have them again. Alas, the box is now gone with the recycling last week. So I've googled and searched and can't find the stupid recipe anywhere. As a result, I was out at the grocery store picking up a few things which included another box of brownies only if it had my recipe on the side. I went to THREE different stores without any 4 star brownies in sight.

That brings us back to this evening while making reservations at the McGarry Motel. Turns out my dad was at the grocery store. I told him the whole brownie deal and he promised to take a turn through the brownie aisle. I didn't hold much hope as 1) I couldn't find the mix and 2) I didn't think he was actually listening for part of the story. I was very VERY happy when my dad called back later to confirm the kind of brownies I was looking for : he has them! Hurray!

Hmmm....after reading over this I have to apologize. I promise an update tomorrow with pictures. Remind me to show you the neat new walking toy the neighbor gave us!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ma Ma Ma

John put up a link to William doing some babbling on Saturday. I was worried no one would notice it and I think it is darn cute. There is a link on the left side of the page, but here is another one for you (same thing) William saying "Ma Ma Ma". Very exciting, although I know he doesn't know what what it means yet.

We've been working really hard at pulling up this weekend. William no longer requires something to hang onto when standing up. He just needs something to help himself balance as he pushes up (walls, cabinet doors, people's legs, etc). A few times in the last couple of days he has even let go with both hands and stood unassisted without any help or leaning on anything! WOW! Very exciting for us and a lot scary also! We are also fighting what looks like might be our first cold. Not bad to make it almost 8 months without getting sick once. So far, we just are sporting a runny nose which he refuses to let me wipe. Ick. I think it is bothering me more than him. He is quite happy to wipe the boogers across his face and then continue playing. Me= not so much.

Anyone want a drink? These were moved later because he was able to pull the whole box around while standing there (all 24 cans are full)

Pulling up on the cabinet and reaching for the drawer!

Mudd and William looking out the windows...and a lot of mess in between!

It was time to upgrade to a toothbrush now that there are so many teeth in there!

Last, it appears the Giggle Drill has been recalled. However, ours is NOT one of the serial numbers affected by THIS recall. Is it safe to play with? I don't think we will find out. Very sad.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm a Turkey

Thank goodness for short weeks! William is still a mystery to me. After our urgent care visit last weekend, he hasn't really improved or changed any. Still irritable and not wanting to eat his solids. Yet, nothing else really to go on. If these are teeth- HURRY UP!

Today was a little bit better with the solid feedings and we went ahead with the last meat:turkey. I'm not sure he liked it a whole lot. But, he did eat it all. Note he also has a very sticky looking teething biscuit in his grubby hands. He used to really like these, but now will only hold it and drool on it. This holding drooling= very messy. Oh well.

Turkey for dinner and a nice close up of our counter tops

Hmmm...not sure

But, still opening my mouth!

Did you mean to put that stuff in there?

I don't know what this look is, but it is funny!

The battle for the spoon begins. Who will win?

The triumphant champion gazes at his prize. This is a serious victory folks...

Right after our turkey dinner extravaganza, we saw a herd? gaggle? pride? of wild turkeys meander through our neighbors backyard! Our pictures turned out blurry - but how funny is that?

Edited: PS The red bump on his forehead, right side is where he ran into the corner of a wall earlier in the day. He cried less over that than when I try to wipe his face after eating.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


The food/eating battle continues on at the Heidt house. Last night it was a little worse, this morning a little better, and tonight worse again. This morning I finally got William to try some pears in his fresh food feeder thing. He seemed like he REALLY liked it at first and then a minute later not so much. Oh well. The watermelon and banana I bought for him to try last week are still sitting out on the counter as is our last type of meat: turkey. I just don't have it in me to push something new when I can't get him to eat his "old" favorite stuff.

Big smiles this morning in the high chair. Look how tall he is getting! I should find an old picture of him in his chair to show you how much he has lazy! Another day.

Trying out the pears. He went back for more a few times and then decided it would be much more fun to bang the feeder on his tray. Unfortunately, this made pear juice/pear chunks fly everywhere. Mommy (aka: The Party Pooper) found it was time to take away the feeder after that.

I have been out hunting around for some pants for William to wear this winter. Eventually, it will have to cool off around here and we are going to be stuck without anything to wear. We currently spend most of the day crawling around in a diaper because it is so hot and it is way easier that trying to wrestle the wiggly boy into an outfit. Soon, we won't be able to do that anymore. William was pretty set for clothes through the 9 month size stuff. Now that he is wearing 12-18 month stuff, we are going to have to stock up. Here he is trying on some pants for me this morning. I guess I though the 12 month stuff would look bigger on him? Not sure if these will work for him all winter, or if I should go back out and get some in the 18 month size also? Experienced mothers and/or opinionated persons should leave me a comment or e mail me please.

Okay, I know they are a little long in the legs - but it isn't a ton... Also, he is wearing a paper diaper and the cloth ones take us a little more room (pants will be shorter).

Tonight we went to our friend Charlotte's house for dessert. Charlotte will be one at the end of this month and she is having heart surgery tomorrow morning. We hope everyone will keep "Sharlie" in their thoughts and prayers tomorrow - she is a special little girl.

And, a few bonus pictures as I know you all have been missing him!

William using his new toy. Please note: this isn't what I had in mind when I made this toy.

Again, the purpose of this toy is to help develop the fine motor skills with his HANDS. Not mouth!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What I miss

Our baby is only 7 months old and there are things I already miss about when he was a new baby. He isn't even grown up yet and I find myself yearning for the days when he was smaller. Here are the things I miss:

1. Snuggle time in the morning. Some days we would spend close to an hour laying in bed and staring at each other and giggling. Or one of us would shut their eyes for a few moments while the other happily chewed on his hand. Or urped on his daddy's pillow. We still spend a few minutes snuggling in bed, but it sure is different. Now: If one hand isn't down the back of his diaper to anchor him to the bed, he is falling off the bed. He crawls up and over, down and around. He pulls himself up on the headboard and chews on it. He attempts to pull down the Egyptian blanket hanging over the bed. He drools on the sheets and whacks me in the face when I try to snuggle him closer (and giggles while doing it). He pulls himself up on my hips and then bites me. And he urps on his daddy's pillow (shh...don't tell John)

2. Feeding time. Now he has teeth. Then, he didn't. Enough said.

3. Kisses. William started giving kisses when he was about 4 months old. They were few and far between, but very sweet. They are more frequent now, but again those teeth make us brace ourselves for the worst every time he leans in close for a smooch.

4. Entertainment. Before, William was content to look at our faces or kick and wave his arms at toys suspended above him. I could go to the bathroom and come back and find him in the same place. Or take him in the bathroom with me and know exactly where he would be when I got out of the shower. Now, it is anyones guess. I sprint through getting dressed everyday (what? get up earlier? No way!) and pray he doesn't pull up on the toilet or tip over the trash can and try to eat the contents before I can find my way back to him. Makes normal things like going to the bathroom and eating a little lunch seem like the 50 yard dash.

Things I am loving about right now:
1. William is always happy to see me. But, now he has the mobility to get to me. It is so sweet to watch him chugging across the floor giggling (good heavens, when is he NOT giggling?) towards me to be picked up. And how can you not love the pudgy arms waving over his head indicating he wants to be picked up?

2. I can see how proud he is of himself. Early on, things happened by accident to William. One day he was minding his own business, looking at toys when all of a sudden he had rolled over to his back. Now, when he pulls up, crawls, or does something for the first time on purpose, I can see the pride on his face. There is nothing like it.

3. We are finally reading books to someone besides ourselves! We wanted to include reading into our bedtime routine with William. We have been reading a few books every night for several months. Just in the last few weeks, he has started actually watching and listening during story time. So sweet as he intently looks at the pictures and sighs when the story is over.

4. Eating. I am finally not the sole source of William's nutrition. This is sad occasion as well as a relief off my shoulders. Sad because he isn't a baby anymore and a relief that my body is almost entirely mine again after more than a year of pregnancy and food production. Nothing is cuter than his baby bird like open mouth waiting for another bite. Or how he bangs on his tray and shouts when I'm not scooping it in fast enough.

Pictures Catch Up

Well, I owe you some pictures from this weekend and of some other stuff. Earlier in August, my parents, grandparents and aunt/uncle all met up in Chicago to go to a Cubs game (that's baseball for all of you who didn't know). TA is a huge (HUGE) Cubs fan. He grew up in southern Illinois and remembers going to Cubs games with his family. The last time he attended a Cubs game was in 1934! It was really something special for him to go back with everyone. Here is a picture of them in Chicago at the game. Go Cubs!

Picture is titled by my dad "5 Cubs Shirts". I notice it isn't called "5 Cubs Fans"....

Lakeside Trail hike on Sunday morning

Lovely lake view on Sunday morning hike

Big bird (what kind? I don't know) in our backyard!

Here is what John did on Monday

John's project on Monday

What I did on Monday. I have to admit, my project sure is prettier. It is ribbons tied to a box for William to play with to work on his fine motor skills. His interest: zero.

My other project on Monday: emptying the bottom 2 shelves of all of our bookshelves.

P.S.What? You wanted pictures of the baby? Sorry! Try again tomorrow!