1) He is teething. Evidence: fingers, hands, all objects are constantly in his mouth. More so than usual (which is a lot).
2) He is learning a new gross motor skill :standing/walking. Evidence: He is able to stand on his own with holding on to other objects for short periods of time UNLESS he realizes that he isn't hanging on to something. He is doing a lot of cruising and funny little handstands on the floor. He is no longer afraid when his push toy moves and delights in walking with it across the room to ram it into the bookcase, couch or unsuspecting parent.
3) He is going through a growth spurt. Evidence: some of his 12 month clothing appears to be too short. I'm not sure how well we are keeping up with his nuitritional needs as he is in constant motion during awake time throughout day. Even growing a teeny, tiny bit could require the gallons of extra milk he is now consuming during the wee hours of the night.
4) He is going through the jerk baby phase. Evidence: I think he giggled last night when I tripped into his room at 3am. Or maybe I just need a little more sleep.
Did you know John's car smokes? Neither did we.
Hiking yesterday. Near the end of the hike, I showed off my ungracefulness by doing a full face plant onto a rock bed. No blood, huge bruise on my knee. If you are lucky, I might take a picture to post here.
John and William read books while I ice my knee on the couch.
William does squats as part of his daily exercise routine.
The promised Lizapalooza picture