We arrived in Grand Forks just ahead of some bad weather on 12/23. The initial predictions had the area of North Dakota we were visiting slated for 1-3 inches of snow over Christmas. A manageable amount. Who doesn't like a white Christmas? However, by the time we arrived, the predictions had changed and we were under a winter weather advisory and weatherpeople were predicting a lot of snow. A lot of snow for even North Dakota standards. This prediction didn't phase us too much because in the thirty years I've been alive, I've never missed a North Dakota Christmas due to weather (I have due to our wedding, John's family Christmas and my mom's work schedule). Just like we've never NOT made it TO North Dakota, we've never not made it home either. Until this year! A few pictures from 12/23.
This boy will stop just about everything to sit down with a book being read to him. He loves, LOVES to read books. Now it's Great Grandpa Budd's turn to read.
Amelia at Paradiso La Capana. This is hands down our favorite Mexican restaurant. I'm sure that it is totally authentic being its close proximity to the Mexican border (not). Whatever. It's good. We love it. And this is Amelia's first time eating at La Capana (chips).
This is an occasion for a picture! I've been eating at this restaurant since I was a baby. And here I am (although an unflattering shot) at La Capana with MY baby!
William and daddy. Luckily, John is a fan of Paradiso also :) We even sometimes get several burritos to go, freeze them and take them home in our cooler. They aren't nearly as good, but still pretty tasty.
It was just starting to snow lightly in the evening on the 23rd. Not enough to be a big deal, but enough we went out to shovel in the morning of the 24th. Especially with the weather predictions of more snow. Here are the pictures from the 24th.
We don't get much snow in St Louis (watch, this will be a record year now). We don't really even have a snow shovel. So, William was super excited about getting out an playing in the snow. This was a powdery snow, so there wasn't going to be any snowballs or snowmen, which was very sad. However, William was content to just help "shovel". More like take the snow off of the neatly shoveled drifts and put it back on the sidewalk.
John shoveling a past from the garage to the house.
Uncle Mike, William and Mama shovel the sidewalks around Grangerry and Grandpa Tom's house.
Me and Mike's version of American Gothic, subzero.
William's first snow angel. I have some video of this, but I'm going to have to upload it later when I can get to it.
After all that hard work, we went inside for some hot chocolate and a birthday donut in honor of Grandpa Tom's birthday 12/20.
Mike was just...Mike.
The kids in their daytime Christmas outfits+hats. I am a Christmas nerd. William hat a "tough cookie" shirt with a Christmas cookie on the front and Mia is wearing her red striped shirt, red pants and green Christmas socks. Very festive.
Over at the Wennersten's house, things were going on high getting ready for the Christmas celebration. Historically (with the exception of the 3 occasions), we celebrate Christmas eve in the evening with my mom's family and Christmas Day with my dad's family. Here is my mom buttering up the lefse she made with Aunt Kaye.
William waits for dinner playing a "polka dot game" (hand held Yahtzee) wearing his cute Christmas sweater.
Apparently with two small children that may or may not eat, I was too busy consuming meatballs to take any other pictures as was John. I've decided you can tell we have small children based on out etiquette and small talk. There isn't any. It is every wo/man for her/himself until one of the small children becomes A Problem which is when the discussion begins about whose turn it is to remove them from the table. Away from your plate of food. Public Apology: I truly apologize if you were sitting next to us at any dinner recently. There isn't any excuse except we're HUNGRY.
Anyway, here is Amelia eating Christmas dinner and sharing it with you!
Kaye couldn't come because of Scott's work schedule, so we had to call and wish her a Merry Christmas.
NOTE: Next year take a family picture while we are waiting for dinner. The kids are more patient, the outfits are clean and there is less whining.
All I wanted was a picture of the two kids by the fireplace with their stockings in their Christmas outfits. Easy right? HAHAHAHAHHA. Here are four of the best attempts:
All I wanted was a picture of the two kids by the fireplace with their stockings in their Christmas outfits. Easy right? HAHAHAHAHHA. Here are four of the best attempts:
Finally time for PRESENTS! John opened with a fish faced Amelia and I helped William. William opened one present, fell in love with his new truck and disappeared for a long time. So, no pictures of William opening presents.
And then. Then it was so late and was past time for our kids to go to bed. So, we packed up for the night while the rest of the family went to church for the candlelight service. A very special day, our girl's first Christmas.
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