I really felt like the Christmas program snuck up on me. Before Thanksgiving, the coordinator of the Christmas play and I decided it would be super cute to have the preschool set play and small role in the Christmas play put on by the youth in our church. The toddlers would join the rest of the cast in our Christmas play for the very last scene in the stable as animals while the congregation sang a hymn. All they had to do was be cute. We outfitted William with a costume from the "Official Christmas Play Box" and I committed to whip up something darling for Amelia to wear. I also assisted in badgering other parents to get their kiddos to participate so ours wouldn't be the only ones being a distraction. Of course I left it until the last minute to pull something together for Amelia. It's a good thing she is darn cute on her own. I'd like to present our very own Christmas mouse:
Using white fleece, a white headband and pink flannel, I created these awesome ears in about 20 minutes. I then cut about 14 inches of the rough edge of the fleece, added a safety pin and voila! A Christmas mouse was born!
Amelia stole the show at this point. Most of the kids were laughing at her as were the adults in the audience. She was fascinated by the baby Jesus in the manger.
William on the left, Amelia center stage.
In our rush, we didn't bring our new flash, so the pictures are a little dark. William has relocated to the far right side of the stage and Amelia continues harassing the poor, little Jesus in his manger.
It was wonderful for the kids to have little parts in the program that didn't affect the production as a whole. Several people stopped me afterward to compliment our mouse's role in the show :) We do have video, but it is too long for Blogger and I am unable to edit on our laptop. Will have to wait until we are home again to edit and post.
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