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Thursday, July 10, 2008

2 Eyes Still in My Head

Yesterday I was driving home after running some errands. It was lunch time and I was trying to figure out what I could feed William quickly and get him into bed when I noticed something wasn't right. I was several blocks away from our house when I started seeing wavy lines through my vision and I was having difficulty focusing. Earlier in the day I had noticed my eyes weren't focusing correctly and made a mental note to call and schedule our yearly eye appointments. It was still happening when I got home so I made William a hurried lunch and tried to get ahold of our doctor. Of course, the office was closed for lunch. Every minute that passed made me more sure that I was probably in the process of going blind or at least loosing my eye due to low eye pressure (I thought my eyeball would deflate or something). My symptoms weren't changing and in a panic I called the 24 hour nurse line. As I wiped down a very tired William, the nurse reccomended that I go immediately to the ER - which didn't help my overactive imagination one bit. By the time I had finished washing William off, the nurse had changed her mind and told me I needed to go see an optimologist TODAY as most ERs do not have an eye doctor on call at all times. She gave me a list of numbers to call, I put William down for a nap and started making phone calls.

I'll spare you the details of the crying, vomit and running around that happened (William did all three, I only participated in the running) in order to be seen by an actual real eye doctor. The results? I had an ocular migraine with aura.

They are supposedly common in women my age and all parts of my eyes checked out a useable. I'm so glad to have 2 eyes in my head and they both work! Yeehaw! Eyes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bailey actually had several of these ocular migraines when he was 3 I believe it was. It did seem scary with the whole vision thing. He hasn't had any since his 1 week episodes. Hope that is the case for you too Kelly!!
