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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Locked Out

[Please note this was posted about a week later after it happened to make room for San Diego posts. If you haven't read the San Diego posts, go down to read them.]

We had several big "firsts" today that I feel need documenting. First, William learned that he is capable of opening our refrigerator door all by himself. I was hoping we would have to put up one of those ugly refrigerator door locks, but it looks like it might be time. The first problem is all the glass bottles in there that he likes to play with and the second problem is that he likes to try and carry several full gallons on milk around the house at one time. Not only dangerous, but potentially very messy and smelly. Bring on the ugly aisle.

The second big thing occurred while I was outside on the deck hanging up laundry. Yes, I am a nerd and I feel like by not using our dryer and hanging my clothes out to dry in the sun is saving the environment. William was out on the deck with me and started playing with the screen door and sliding glass door. Open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, open and shut, etc. I looked up at one point to find him standing inside the house, still opening and shutting. Then I noticed that the opening/shutting noises had stopped and I looked up to find William inside the house looking at me through the sliding glass door. He knocked on the door (with his adorable two fingered knock), so I went to open the door....and I couldn't. I had about ten seconds of panic before I remembered that we have a garage keypad and I had left the door from the garage to the house unlocked earlier (Note to the theives roaming my neighborhood: This door is ALWAYS locked, except for today). I ran around the house through the garage to find William still standing at the door crying beause I had left the door.

I'm ending the story here because blogger is telling me all of my contractions (shouldn't, don't, can't, won't, etc) are incorrectly spelled and that is making me angry. Because I know they aren't. But, I see them flagged and I keep going back and checking and rechecking the words that are marked. But, I don't think they are spelled wrong....until I look at them and look at them...and you know they might be spelled wrong....


Sanford Family said...

Your locked out story reminds me of the times I have been locked out. First, I was out on the front porch with the door cracked and Bailey came out and slammed the door shut (the dead bolt was not locked but the handle was!). Henry stood at the window crying. I had to climb the fence and jump down (which ripped my favorite sweatshirt). The deck door was unnlocked. Then, John drove home 5 minutes later!

Then, last summer I had a two year who shall remain nameless that thought it was wildly funny to lock mommy outside when she was taking our brand new puppy outside constantly for potty training. He would laugh and laugh and not unlock it. I finally put my foot down and had to give him timeouts for locking me out until it stopped. He has had some more times since then that he has done it again, just checking to see what I might do. This concerned me because that lock is forever breaking and what if BAiley wasn't home to let me in the front door in that case??

Just thought I'd share, I hope William thinks it's scary to lock Mommy out, not wildly funny.


Nicole said...

Oh that is funny! Scarey and funny. I had that happen to me also only I was majorly pregnant with Tristan and Aaron was at work over a half hour away. I finally persuaded Keiran to unlock the patio door. Close one!

What a smarty William is... he can get the fridge open?!?!?! Oh my!!!!