Anyhow, enough of my sadness. William is working really hard at sitting up. If you put him on the ground, he does these "baby sit ups" to try to get to sitting. Sometimes, you have to unbend him from the sitting position to get him to lay down. He finally is showing he has a sense of balance. With my 50% DNA, it is completely possible that he would have no sense of balance. So, here are some pictures of us tonight with William practicing the sitting up. Please note: we are now confident enough in his skills that NO one's hands are waiting to catch him. He doesn't need it.
Serious baby. When did he start looking like a little boy and not a baby?
Smiles for the daddy.
Sitting and playing - they go together great!
We are also excited to announce that William has mastered the raspberry sound with his mouth. It is messy and I'm working on an entry dedicated entirely to the drooly mess he makes with his mouth. And teeth. The tooth is officially here. It is on his bottom left side of his mouth (or the lower right side of the picture). It is still hard to see in the picture - but I promise it is there!
Tomorrow we are going back to West to do some final (I think) packing. I'm not looking forward to it because we need to get up and go on the early side instead of laying around in our PJ's for most of the morning. Oh well...
more tomorrow,