
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Weekend of Firsts

Here is a picture of what we learned yesterday:

Can you figure out what it is?

Give up? William learned to climb up on the couch by himself! I'm not sure how excited the adults in the house are about this development, but he sure thinks he is hot stuff.

This one is a tough one! Here is what we learned today:

I found him like this when I got him up from his (no sleeping occurred as he was so busy) nap.

Did you figure it out? He can take his own pants off! Again, I'm not sure how excited I am about this new skill, but he sure thinks he is hot stuff. Another new skill is demonstrated in the above picture: lifting his foot off the ground while sitting. He thinks it is very funny to plunk it back down on the ground loudly and say "Boom!"

William and Daddy

We've noticed a lot more mimicking recently and whatever reverse mimicking is called. In this picture, he is hoping to make John open his mouth so he can poke around in there. So, William opens his mouth nice and wide so John will get the hint. You can see John loves this special game.

Right before I took this picture, they were playing the "Stick out your tongue" game with each other. Very cute.

William's version of the victory dance on the successful summit of Mt Couch. Enough to make your heart stop. Please note: I was standing just outside of the frame of the picture and grabbed him as soon as the picture was taken. I'm going to have my hands full this week I think.

Such a ham! Tada! I did it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously cute!!!!