
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Car Shopping

One of the biggest tasks we had to accomplish/decide before we could make the trip home was regarding the car. Just before Christmas, the insurance company called to inform us our car was indeed totaled (umm...DUH!). We had a small amount of rental car insurance we could use.

So, we weighed the options. Use the rental insurance to get home and then buy a new car. Or use the legendary babysitting services available at the grandparent's house and buy a car in Rochester. John and I decided to look at cars in Rochester to see if we could narrow things down a little bit. It was unbelievably helpful to have Grandma and Grandpa around to watch our tornado during this time. Otherwise we have a scenario that looks a lot like this:

One of us asks a question
Car salesperson responds
William runs away
One of us has to follow him
Anywhere between 10 -15 minutes elapse when parent returns with William in tow
William starts wiggling/whining
Parents try to catch each other up. Difficult to hear over the increasingly loud protests of the lap restrained William.
Repeat several times
Leave the dealership with sore muscles, headaches and frustration over not knowing all the answers to the questions asked or if you missed something important during the tantrum.

So, very very helpful to have willing and economical babysitting available to us. While shopping we quickly determined that we needed to look for vehicles in the minivan class (shock! horror! us! A minivan!). Neither one of us is at all interested in owning another SUV at the moment. In the end, I fell madly in love with a Hond@ Ody$ey. I would have made out with this van in the parking lot if it would have made any price difference for us. But it didn't. And, the Toyota Sienna had an almost identical feature list with a price tag close to $5000 less. We negotiated, I cried, and John did research. Apparently a LOT of people are in love with the Sienna (Consumer Reports, Edmunds Review to name a few - I'd link you, but I'm lazy. Maybe you'll get lucky and John will come back in and hook you up).

You all know how the story ends: we drove home in a 2009 Toyota Sienna. And it is lovely. I'm still trying to get over my torrid imaginary afair with the Ody$ey so the Sienna can have a chance. It hasn't swept me off my feet yet - but to be fair, I haven't really given it a chance. The previous love affair aside, several things are holding me back. First of all, this is a brand new car and I didn't really get to pick what color I wanted. We were hugely limited by time and the features we wanted in our van. The features narrowed the search down to ONE vehicle on the lot: silver with a gray (leather!) interior. Not a bad choice, maybe even what I would have picked if I someone had handed me the rainbow and told me to pick. I'm just a little crabby I didn't get to pick. The second issue was the financing. The financing was just short of a nightmare. We started the paperwork on Tuesday afternoon. Close to four hours later, we walked out of the dealership without a car and a tired, hungry, crabby baby (I thought the shopping was the longest part, not the part where you write a check and walk away with keys). The next morning we spent an additional hour at the dealership working on things on top of close to 2 hours of time on the phone with the bank/dealership. Two days after we started the process, we drove home in a van that wasn't completely ours.

We started the financing on 12/30/09 and we didn't actually complete the financing until 1/2/09. I will be fair and throw in the fact that the first was a holiday with both the bank/dealership closed - but still! Totally a stressful experience when I was imagning having to somehow get the vehicle back to Minnesota because things didn't work out.

So! That is the whole story! It is done! It is all good now! And...this a little piece of what William was doing with Grandpa and Grandma while we were out!

Building track races with Grandpa

Eating snowman ice cream with Grandma after dinner (I'm also informed that he cuted himself MANY cookies during this time also. The key? He has learned the all important word: please)
Ice cream, what a treat!
Rocking with Grandpa while reading books or watching a little TV
Trying to walk in Grandma's shoes.

Breathe in that New Baby Smell....

What a treat! I was able to use the good Grandparent baby sitting services and sneak over to my best friend Jessica's house to get my hands on her brand new baby girl: Cana Christine! She was absolutely beautiful with a TON of dark hair! It was great to see I haven't lost any of my baby holding skills, although I did manage to drop Cana's pacifier down the front of my shirt while holding her. I am tempted to blame Cana as the pacifier started out IN her mouth and ended in my shirt. Luckily Jessica and Chris were very forgiving of my ineptness!

Me with my future daughter in law?

More Rochester Christmas (Heidt)

It is a good thing that Christmas is my favorite holiday and favorite time of the year. Because this year we had a whole lot of Christmas! On December 26th, we celebrated with John's family at his brother's house in Rochester. It was wonderful to have everyone together to visit and watch the kids play together. Before we had children, I wouldn't have rated watching kids play with their cousins very high on the list of things I was excited about. However, every time they are together, I have to admit at get a little teary just seeing how cute they are together (most of the time). It is so heart warming and wonderful! Now, my only regret is there aren't MORE cousins out there for us to play with (Hear that aunties and uncles? My mother is going to kill me).

William with his Uncle Mike Heidt. At one point Mike had all three of the youngest cousins balanced on his lap - would have made an adorable picture except I was worried one would topple over if I wasn't right there.

We were in luck that Christmas was at Uncle Mike's house! He has LOTS of cools toys for us to play with (it helps that Mike's kids are only 6 month younger than William). William was obsessed with mowing their carpet. He ran many laps around their house before dinnertime mowing down the carpet.
Jungle Jim: At one point, most of the little kids were climbing up, over and around Uncle Jim and [cousin] Ben! I missed that photo opportunity as I was worried about head bumping or finger stepping occurring without supervision!
After 5 different Christmases, William finally figures out the presents and opening of them. Wow! Puzzles! Thank you cousin Mikey!

Oooohhh....admiring the puzzle!
And a car! And an airplane! Thank you Uncle Joe and Aunt Cathy!

William LOVED this playhouse! (hint hint....birthday coming up...) All the kids enjoyed trying out Alex and Elena's new toy house. William especially liked the doorbell that would ring. Who is it? Someone is here! He would say every time.

Christmas Morning with McGarry's Grand Forks

Growing up, we always spent Christmas morning with my dad's family. This year was no exception. The only difference was that we had to leave in the afternoon in order to be back for the Heidt family Christmas the next day. I don't know if we've ever made such a quick trip before (or if we'll ever try to do it that way again. It was a long time in the car.).

Eating Christmas breakfast - yogurt, banana followed by....

First on the agenda was eating GranGerry's carmel rolls. William approved very much of this kind of breakfast. I think he ate two whole rolls by himself (and NO I wouldn't normally let him eat that, but it was Christmas!).
Getting ready to open gifts AGAIN! William was more interested in all the choo choo train ornaments on Grangerry's tree. We didn't really get very many pictures of him opening presents because it was hard to juggle the camera, help him and help John with different present opening tasks - sorry! We got a lot of great gifts!
William was so tired after opening presents, it was time to "sleep". This is one of his favorite games. Everyone gets a pillow and blanket and has to lay down while pretending to snore.
Another fun game: hiding under GranGerry's tiny tea table.
Something about this game he found hysterical. We played it over and over and over and over again.

Wearing his borrowed ski hat from GranGerry on the way to the Wennersten's.

William loves his Great Grandpa Budd. Well, he loves all his Great Grandparents. But, he is especially fond of Great Grandpa Budd. Grandpa Budd almost always has candy in his front shirt pocket. On Christmas Eve, William patted Granpa's shirt and didn't find candy. Great Grandpa had to do some work, but came through for us on Christmas Morning. Since we've been home, we've talked about Great Grandpa Budd almost every day. William always says "Grandpa Budd candy pocket?"

Michael wearing his Christmas stocking
The backseat of my parent's van (and a handsome man sleeping). I don't think we would have ever sat this well together growing up. Now that we are physically bigger, it is still amazing to me that we made it 6+ hours this close to each other without fighting. If you look carefully, I'm putting the binding on one of my quilts - hooray for completed projects!

The roads going home weren't always great. This meant an extra added dose of anxiety for this mama. However, the roads were dry, the sun was shining and I wasn't driving... so onward we went.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Eve: Grand Forks Wennerstens

Because we are crazy, we decided to go with the rest of my family to North Dakota as planned for Christmas. However, because of the unplanned accident and following surgery, we couldn't leave the day we planned. This forced everyone in my immediate family to leave on 12/24 and make the return trip on 12/25. that would add up to about 13+ hours in the car in roughly a 24 hour period. Not ideal for anyone, especially people who are nice enough to transport the crabby pregnant chick (that would be me) and the unpredictable toddler (that would be our kid).

Traditionally, we celebrate Christmas Eve with my mom's family by going out to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. This year, we didn't make it in time, so we had to start with yet another tradition: Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner for 15 is a pretty big deal though no matter how you look at it.

Grandpa Budd lighting the centerpiece candles before dinner. One looooooooooooong table. Another favorite tradition: no kid's table. Everyone HAS to eat at the same table because that is why we are there: to be together!
Aunt Megan entertaining William before dinner. Here they are "booming" down the steps. Don't know how to play? Sit your backside on the step and slide it down to the step below you. When your behind hits the step, say "BOOM!" Very, very fun!
Grandpa's turn for entertaining. Here they are talking on the phone using Great Grandpa's Yatzee game.
Grandma and Aunt Megan doing dishes
Mama trying to set up the tripod for some family pictures in front of the tree. Yet another great tradition is taking a family picture of each family group in front of the Christmas tree. I used to HATE and I mean hate this tradition. However, now I really appreciate being able to look back and remember each Christmas and see how our family has changed.
But, then everyone decided they would rather sit on the couch. Argh! Oh well! Here are all my cousins on my mom's side of the family and my grandparents (mom's parents).
My immediate family
The McGarry's (and Heidt's)
The Heidt's (and mama is rocking the "Very, very tired" look here). I think this look is going to be very in in 2009...especially at our house
More Heidt's
My grandpa wears this same bow tie and pop up Santa pin every year. I remember playing with the Santa when I was really little. It is pretty special to see William playing with it this year (and he was FASCINATED).
William didn't really understand the whole present thing at first. He was more interested in picking up all the wrapping paper and putting it into Great Grandpa's garbage bag.
Helping Mama open up his presents: Mr Potato Head
He LOVED it! We spent a LONG time playing with Mr Potato Head before we could move on to the next present. This face he is working on is a little bit Picasso-esque, don't you think?
Grandpa trying out Scott's new binoculars...can you see Santa?

Things I have Cried About this week

The week after the accident was an emotional rollercoaster for me. I cried almost every day about something, at least once. Here is a run down, more for my own remembrance than yours:

-Not knowing if there were any diapers in the diaper bag at the hospital
-There were diapers in the diaper bag at the hospital
-There weren't any wipes in the diaper bag
-William didn't have his shoes on
-I didn't feed William his lunch, someone else did
-A nurse told me that John was losing part of a finger.
-The nurse told me I would need a minimum of 4 hours of monitoring in labor & delivery before I could leave.
-The nurse told me John wasn't going to lose part of his finger.
-My parents were coming to get us
-My parents were delayed by very bad weather.
-John was discharged and brought up to labor & delivery
-John is in pretty rough shape on the outside
-Overall, John is going to be okay.
-My parents came to get us at the hospital. I was so relieved.
-Having to get back in the car and drive anywhere. I was ready to make a permanent move to Iowa City.
-I didn't really want to move to Iowa City
-Going through our belongings that were rescued from the car was HUGE. It was a HUGE reminder that we were incredibly lucky we weren't in pieces as well.
-Puzzle pieces were missing from a new puzzle we were giving William for Christmas
-Puzzle pieces weren't missing from another new puzzle we were giving William for Christmas
-I wasn't sure where any of our stuff was - I didn't know what was missing, broken or just misplaced.
-We had SO MUCH STUFF in the car! How were we going to get it all home?
-One of the Christmas presents we made was lost
-That Christmas present was found
-That Christmas present didn't fit IN my parents' car
-We don't have my car anymore
-John needs a lot of help to do everyday kinds of things (deodorant anyone?)
-Anytime we found glass anywhere (there was a LOT of broken glass)
-Trying to decide whether or not to make the trip to Grand Forks
-Deciding it was too risky to make the trip to Grand Forks
-Deciding it was too precious a time to miss the trip to Grand Forks\
-Repeat times about 75 the last two
-Thinking about getting back in the car again
-After spending close to 2 hours on the phone with the insurance company trying to find a provider in Rochester that would be covered the day before a holiday (answer: there wasn't one).
-Staying home with William while my mom took John to the doctor
-My dad came home from work to stay with William so I could be with John
-Leaving William at home with my dad
-Seeing John in the emergency room
- When the doctor told us John would need to have
-When John was wheeled into surgery
-When we decided it was best for me to go home and spend some time with William and have my mom stay at the hospital
-When the nurse called to tell me John was out of surgery
-When the nurse told me John would have to stay overnight in the hospital (I will admit I did not take this news well at all)
-Seeing John being wheeled into a hospital room
-Being told I wouldn't be allowed to stay the night at the hospital with John
-Sleeping at night without John there
-Seeing John in the morning at the hospital
- When we got to walk out of the hospital that night. Together.
-When William saw his daddy for the first time after he came back from the hospital
- Opening presents at my parent's house with William, he was so delighted by everything.

There are many more things, many of them contradictory to each other. The pregnancy hormones (still going strong) don't help either.

Rochester Christmas

We celebrated Christmas a day late with my family on December 23rd. John had just been discharged from the hospital and my parents made homemade calzones. We ate and opened presents before William had to go to bed. It was a nice way to end a terrible few days.

The McGarry's/Heidts

The theme for this year's Christmas? Transportation! Checking out a new dumptruck from Grandpa and Grandma.

Helping Mama open presents. After every gift, he wanted to stop and play - it was hard to get him to focus on the other presents when he just wanted to go back to his first gift.

Helping Grandma open a present. This is also a great picture of Uncle Mike!

Ooooohhh....a little Christmas wonder goes a long way to heal. William was so impressed by everything: the tree, the lights, the paper, the toys, the food, the COOKIES!

William posing on his new chair from Aunt Megan

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!

For New Year's Eve, we got together with some of our favorite people: Jessica, Chris and their brand new baby Cana. They came over to my parent's house and we rang in the new year together. We played a little Wii and had a wonderful visit catching up with everything. It couldn't have been more perfect.
William meets Cana for the first time
William offers to share a truck with Cana. He is shocked when she really isn't interested.

Party animals William and Cana

William tried to get Cana interested in his favorite truck book.
Jessica, Chris and Cana brought a present! A train set!

Helping Mama open the train set while leaning on her belly isn't helpful as much as painful. Especially with his poky little elbow.

We bought special party hats for our family - however we weren't all wearing them at the same time ever!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


1. John had his follow up appointment yesterday with the surgeon. Everything is looking good (I thought everything was looking gross myself) and sent us on our way with instructions to get a splint and complete our physical therapy as directed. His cast was removed, staples in his head were taken out, x rays taken, physical therapy exercises were learned and a splint was tailor made to fit him. John has permission to return to St Louis for the rest of his care. However, John does not have permission to drive himself to St Louis or anywhere else for the next several weeks.

2. The car situation has been resolved (we think). We have spent the majority of our time the last three days trying to shop for a new vehicle and arrange for payment of said vehicle. Things are complicated by many things including the fact that our checkbook is at home along with the title from our now totaled Expedition. Also, we are not from Minnesota and have to pay St Louis sales taxes and our banking institutions are in Seattle, Washington. Nothing has been easy this last week. However, we are now the owners of a 2009 Toyota Sienna. I'd like to tell you I'm happy about this, but to be honest I'm not. I'm ready to be done with the complications and red tape and paperwork and overeager sales people who assure you things will work and in the end they do not. I think happiness will find me later, hopefully soon.

3. Our current plan is to drive home tomorrow depending on the weather and how everyone is feeling. It will be good to be home again where there is a possiblity things won't be so difficult and we can start working on our next long list of tasks to complete from medical forms, insurance paperwork, and followup appointments to schedule.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Anniversary to us today. It was low key and relaxed. Just what we needed today.

PS One of the losses from the accident is my cell phone. If you're trying to get ahold of us, you'll need to use John's phone number (or e mail me for the number). I spent a chunk of time calling my doctor offices to update their records.

PPS After all my calling around, I am pleased to report that all the cookies I have eaten over the holiday are not contributing to gestational diabetes. Blood work was all clear - bring on the pie.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Week Past

We are busy busy busy. We're figuring things out and making lists. Things that are lost, things that are damaged, things that need to be done. At the top of every list I want to write in big letters: REMEMBER WHAT MATTERS IS EVERYONE IS OKAY. Christmas has come and gone in a blink of an eye - a fuzzy, unfocused eye.

I do have pictures to share and stories to tell, but my heart just isn't in it. This last week has been one of the more difficult in my life and I just can't find it in me to write about the everyday stuff just yet. Or fill you in on why I hated dogs for 15 minutes last week. But, it is coming. I promise.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hospital Update

I know people are looking for more information about us. Luckily, there wasn't all that much that needed fixing in the end. John was admited to St Mary's Hospital in Rochester (a great place to be) yesterday and consulted with doctors about the treatment of his hand. We elected for surgery to take place yesterday on the three center fingers of his left hand. The surgery itself was about an hour and half and surgeons reported everything went well. Two pins were placed in the ring finger on John's left hand to hold the bones in place. His hand is expected to recover with the possibility of some stiffness in his joints. Only time will tell. John spent the night at the hospital to receive antibiotics and should be ready to go home sometime this afternoon.

We have some bumps we are going to have to clear before we are back on track again (physical therapy/occupational therapy, vehicle decisions, travel decisions, insurance claims to be filed, medical claims to follow up with, and check up appointments to coordinate). I think we're all starting to feel like the problems are becoming more managable and life as we knew it will be possible again (which sounds kind of dramatic, but what we've been through is just so overwhelming in so many ways).

We'll be back when there is more to tell....Happy Holidays everyone