
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2008

18 Months + 1 Day

William was 18 months old yesterday. Somehow I just didn't get into our office to write about it. As usual, we've been busy, busy, busy busy. William is learning about all kinds of new things and I am loving being part of it. Just exhausting trying to keep up with him. And amazing to sit back and watch him try to figure something out.

Look! It is our messy laundry room!
Peek-a-boo! William is such a great helper! And, when you come to visit our house, this is why the laundry room, bathroom and bedroom doors ALWAYS remain closed!
Trying to figure it out.
Climbing out - climbing is one of our favorite things to do 'round here!
One of William's favorite activities is the box - John tends to spend a lot of time in the box as you can see...
He is also showing a great deal more interest in puzzles. He has the shape sorter figured out! He doesn't always have the time to sit and put ALL the shapes in, but he is getting pretty good at getting them in the correct places without help.
William's sense of humor is also blossoming. This is a funny joke called: Where is William's nose? Then he pulls the block off and we are astonished to find it! Right there on his face!
More shapes!
What better place to eat a messy popsicle? The bathtub of course!
What a great idea! Unless of course you find it at the bottom of the tub turning all the water orange. Then you have to rewash everything to get rid of the stickiness.
We had our 18 month appointment today with our pediatrician. William did very well, although he wasn't happy about sitting on my lap (sorry, kiddo! you are NOT going to get down on the floor at the dr office without shoes on!). Here are his updated measurements:

Height: 34.5 in (up 1.75 inches from 3 months ago)
Weight: 26 lbs 9oz (up 6 oz from 3 months ago)
Head Circumference: 49 cm (up a 1/4 of a cm)

He continues to be at the very top of the chart for height and has dropped to the 50% for weight. I don't know where his head is at, but I can tell you the size 3T hat I bought is pretty snug. The doctor was impressed by his motor skills and even more so by his verbal skills. Last night John and I came up with a quick list in a few minutes of William's words (every time she asks what words he knows and I draw a blank). In about 15 minutes, we came up with over 85! So, I'm sure there are more we just didn't think about. He also had begun to combine two words together to ask for "mo milk", "mo 'mo" (elmo), "bye bye dad", "bye bye truck", "no no kitty" and "light on".

A quick peek in his mouth showed that he does in fact have some kind of virus as I suspected and that his 2 year molars are starting to poke through, which I hadn't suspected. Overall she was very pleased with his development and growth - which is what I was expecting, but still nice to hear.

Friday, July 25, 2008

More Fargo Reunion

Turns out chasing after a toddler is enough to keep 2 people more than enough busy. While we were visiting with John's family, we didn't take ANY pictures! This weekend, Kendra gave us some of their pictures that I thought I would share with you all.
William hanging out with his Great Uncle John
Cousin Mike, William and Great Uncle Mark (William loved Uncle Mark because he kept feeding William candy AND let him play with his car keys)
Entertaining the toddler tornado
Playing with his second(?) cousin Delaney. Aren't they cute?
Playing on the monkey bars with Daddy and Uncle Jim
Entertaining a toddler: William was obsessed by the stroller and pushing it around. However, he was not at all concern about his cousin, Alexander's safety. He would rock the stroller and attempt to tip it over laughing hysterically the whole time. Although it clearly entertained William, neither myself nor Alex's parents were okay with this. So, John and I took turns wheeling poor Alex around the pavilion with William's "help". Cousin Mike saw this and decided that making a train out of people would be a lot of fun - and it was! Cousin Alex in the stroller, William peeking out of the top of the stroller, me and the Mikey behind me.

And, to be fair, a picture of Alex's sister, Elena! Isn't she pretty?
Heidt boys (and Moore) playing badmitton
Getting ready to rescue the birdie...or dancing on the tabletops
Coming down with birdie in hand. My job during all of this was laugh and point along with keeping William out of sight so he wouldn't get any new ideas.
Here is everyone in a group picture
I think this is all of the cousins and their spouses
The Heidt's
Someone thought it would be fun to give the kids some water to splash around in. It was fun...and messy!
When all the water was emptied, cousin Mike decided that the water could be deep enough to make a swimming pool. Here he is testing it out!

PS Also working on posts about our Karlstad reunion, trip to Grand Forks, the rainy weather, my plans for swimming classes, 18 month old post, etc. Should be done by the time William is 18 years.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rainy Rochester

We got to Rochester yesterday evening in time for dinner with Great Aunt Sheila and Uncle Bobby at Bilatti's. William put away close to 2 pieces of pizza himself after he was allowed to "dip". Everything is better with dip these days. It was nice to visit for a short while before it was time for William to go to bed which allowed us some adult time for Rack-O and dominoes until late in the night. I have some great pictures of William and Bobby playing cars together - will post later. Today is rainy and humid so we're looking to do inside activities...I'm glad for the break in the heat.

More later.

PS John, the first thing William said to me this morning was "Dada? Dada? Dada?". Like I do most days, I told him you went to work. I wonder how long that will satisfy him? We'll be calling to chat with you this evening.

PPS Is the basement done yet?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Off Again

I'm packing us up again. We're meeting Grandpa tomorrow in Iowa City. William and I are going to a reunion in very, very Northern Minnesota this weekend. John is coming back home to work - poor guy (or lucky guy?).

Hurricane William

William has always been a busy boy. Things haven't changed at all. If anything, he is getting busier and busier by the day. Here is a sample of his handiwork from yesterday. Please note: all messes pictured were made within a 15 minute time frame. This is what happens to me when I try to get ready for the day. What is sad to me is that I am capable of getting ready in less than 15 minutes for my day. However, I cannot get ready that quickly when I have one foot on the toilet lid and the opposite knee holding shut the cabinet doors (mind you, they do have "locks" on them) while ensuring he doesn't dig in the trash or play with the plunger.

Exhibit A: the living room
Exhibit B: the bedroom/bathroom
Exhibit C: The bathroom cabinet.
Not shown: Exhibits D-L including the kitchen, laundry room, pantry, his bedroom, and the hall closet.

In other random cuteness, we keep finding him doing things like this:
I was working on dinner when I turned around to find William cooking...
Frying up some goldfish while Mama makes dinner

I can't seem to find this one in any of my baby books? Does anyone know approximately how old babies are when they first master this?

Trying very hard to figure out the can opener
This would be one of his favorite things lately, except I've taken to hiding it away. Otherwise, when I need it, I'm reduced to checking under couch cushions and inside toy cars to find it. The problem with this set up is now I can't find it because I put it somewhere where William can't find it. I can't win.
Still working at it.
A few days ago, I was getting us ready to leave the house to run some errands. William disappeared. I finished rounding up the library books and putting together the stuff I was dropping off at a friend's house when I heard William crying. I found him here: in his exersaucer. The exersaucer is currently sitting out in his room because we don't have anywhere to store it currently. He figured out how to climb into it himself, but then couldn't get back out again. If you look carefully, you can see how outraged he is by his inability to get himself out of the exersaucer. Great mama that I am, I ran to get the camera and snapped a few pictures before rescueing the poor kid. Gotta get my blackmail now!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Funny kid

Today for breakfast, William and I both had bowls of cereal with milk on it. I finished first and then sat to watch him finish eating. After several minutes, he reached into the depths of his cereal bowl and pulled out a very squishy cheerio. He examined it for a few seconds and smashed it between his fingers before offering it to me. I wasn't interested, so I turned my head away. Then William put his hand up in the air and said "Oooooooo", trying to sweeten the deal. I still wasn't about to put the mushy, squishy cheerio into my mouth. He then upped the ante by turning his hand into a car and saying "Vroooooooooooom!" and swirling his hand around. He was really working it - I still wouldn't consider putting that cheerio into my mouth, but I was laughing very hard.


It was a dead on imitation of what I try to do when he isn't interested in eating.


Our carpet is a poop brown color. Ask me how I now know this. I dare you.