
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 5, 2007

68 degrees!

It is a beautiful day outside! William and I took a loooooooong walk earlier for over an hour to enjoy the nice day! With a little snow on Saturday and strong winds for the last week we are so happy to have it warm up. And now to make the MN and ND people jealous - I saw tulips and irises poking through the dirt today when we were out walking! The bad news in all this is that John will probably be out mowing the lawn again in the next couple of weeks -yuck. Not that we'll get much sympathy from you all that are still buried under a bunch of snow!

Here we are today with our cute 6 month outfit on that William got from Mike and Tien! Hard to believe our 1 month old is fitting so well into an outfit labeled 6 months!

Big yawn! Does anyone know where to get a baby toupe?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunny Sunday!

This weekend was a slow sort of relaxing time. Saturday we cleaned up the house together and then had a coworker of John's over to see William for the first time. They brought us a yummy lasagna dinner - what a surprise (best part are the caramel chocolate brownies)! Both Friday and Saturday we made time for "dates" and we ended up watching 3 movies together! Yeah us! We also managed to get William's footprints done finally. The handprints were not so successful - we will try them again in another week maybe?

Daddy and William nap after playing.

Today, we went out for lunch to (where else) the steakhouse and then did a walk through Home Depot to check out tile options and a few other items for finishing the basement. We squeezed in a walk through the neighborhood together. Tonight, John is working on taxes and William and I have been hanging out and playing...

Sleeping after a hard day of growing...

Friday, March 2, 2007

Welcome to my crib!

On to another first! I was just wondering how William would do sleeping in the crib when we finally move him out of our bedroom. I worry sometimes (that is a lie, I worry ALL the time about stuff) that he will get used to sleeping in his pack n play and won't be able to sleep in the crib when it comes time. I also worry he is sleeping too much during the day because the closet is so dark without windows. I have put him down in there with the light on, but then I worry it is too bright... I know, I know...I worry too much! Anyhow, today I thought I would just test out the crib and see how it would go during a nap time.

And...there isn't a problem! ...okay that isn't true because the baby monitor is plugged in behind the pack n play in the closet and I'm too lazy to go get it, but I'm worried I won't hear him crying now. I guess I am just doomed to worry about this kid for a long time...

Watching the airplane mobile in my crib!

Anyhow, I put William down in the crib when I thought he was getting sleepy. He spent quite a bit of time looking around and checking everything out - but not crying. Then, he conked out and is still sleeping. I guess I can check that off of my worry list!

Sleeping in my crib!

Say goodbye!

It is time to say goodbye to all of his "baby" clothes...he is barely fitting into his 0-3 month outfits anymore. They will still go on him, but I sometimes feel like I am bending the legs and arms too hard to get him into most of the clothes. The tags all say "up to 12 pounds" and I know he probably isn't quite 12 pounds yet, but I don't want to hurt him either! So, we are on to his 3-6 month section of the closet and drawers! Last night, William and I braved the chilly weather and went to a home party and my coworkers house. He had a bath and then got to wear one of his cousin's cute outfits! We got him all dressed up in his fuzzy green hedgehog outfit and matching socks! We are getting to be such a big boy!

You can see William is excited about some shopping and visiting with the ladies!

P.S. In other great news, John made a return to the Y last night!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My niece is famous!

The Beautiful Becca is famous! Click here to see her great picture in the Des Moines paper!

Who does William look like?

Well, I need to apologize - I have been working on this post for about two weeks. I had big plans for all kinds of pictures and comparisons. Well, I think he will be 6 before I get it all together - so here is what I have.

The toes: William has his Daddy's toes! Williams second toe is shorter than his big toe, just like John's. The ultrasound technician pointed this out to us when we had our 20 week ultrasound when we were still pregnant.

The ear lobes: William has my ears (so far). Earlobes are a genetic thingee that I vaguely remember when I took biology. Unfortunately for you all, I just scraped by passing Bio, so I can't explain it to you all. William's ear lobes are attached as are mine. John's lobes are not attached, so I win this one.

The thumb: William has John's thumb. In the picture below, I am touching William's thumb - I am NOT pushing his finger back in a way that is hurting him. William's thumb bends backwards slightly as does John's. I do not have this special Heidt talent.

I was hoping to add baby pictures of myself and John for further comparison, but we don't have any pictures - maybe the grandma and grandpas could help us out with this one? Then we all can vote!

So overall, John wins right now....we'll keep you posted!

In like a LION!

This morning, I was feeding William about 7:30 when the tornado sirens went off! Of course, the first thing I had to do was call John and have a serious meltdown over the phone. We had some very strong thunderstorms go through the St Louis area this morning. William and I spent our first very special time in our basement waiting out the storm. Now that we are working on the basement, we don't have an interior room on our lower level without windows - we need to get on with the drywall! Luckily, the weather blew through pretty quickly and the sun came out. I hope this is enough to say that March came in like a lion and behaves for the rest of the month!

This afternoon, we tried to go for a walk - we hardly got around the block before turning around. The wind was so strong I was worried about William pulling a Mary Poppins and taking off in his stroller. We'll try again tomorrow!