
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 25, 2009


More from the recent archive: 9/22/09

Amelia tried squash for the first time on 9/22/09 - this is exciting for me because I've decided to dabble into the world of home made baby food. So, I was a little nervous she wouldn't like it and my feelings would be hurt. Because, I made it and all. After doing a lot of reading, I don't think I'll be making ALL the food. For example, I'm not sure I'm excited about anything that requires straining. We'll see, I guess. I'm also just realizing how much more cost effective it is to make the baby food than buy.

Big smile before the first bite... Will she like it?
Still smiling!
She likes it! Hurray!
Taking bites

Amelia likes to hold the spoon, so I have to always use two. One for her, one for me. She is already showing a little independent streak (Lord, help us) (although my mother will tell you I certainly have it coming)

Funny face #1

Funny face #2
Silly girl!

All done! Can't you tell? I ate [almost] all my food! Now, who is going to eat squash with me at Thanksgiving?

Warning: I didn't know John was recording, so you want to make sure your volume isn't way up. Permanent hearing damage may result.

All done & cleaning herself up!

For the record

Mama [to Amelia]: Hi peanut!
William: Silly mama. That not a peanut. That is a baby. Not peanut.
Mama [to William]: Are you a peanut?
William: Noooooooooo. I am a grandson.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

wait a minute...

who taught the big kid the lower case letters? I know it isn't something I've worked with him where did he pick it up?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Last Sunday our family was in church together. During the last hymn, I heard....something. When I turned, I realized William was singing along to the music. As he didn't know the song, he was just making it up as he went along, nice and loud. I tipped my head closer to hear him singing "Ohhhhhh baby sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...."

I looked up to find John coming to the same realization that I was. Our kid is super cute. There were more words, but they were lost in laughing. Luckily, there was a postlude directly following the song so when he continued to sing for a few moments after everyone else it wasn't a big deal. How I love that kid....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Toy I Love to Hate

This toy right here. It is a ugly plastic aqurium you fasten to the side of the crib to soothe your baby to sleep. You press the button on the bottom (blue one in the center) and a light turns on, the fish swim in circles, the water bubbles and music plays. Amelia (and William also) really enjoys watching it while she falls asleep on the very few evenings she isn't almost asleep when I put her down. But, here is the problem. Amelia rolls around in her sleep like a madwoman. Every night/nap I use this, I end up regreting it when she rolls into it in her sleep and sets the [insert negative word of your choice] thing off. Usually I am already asleep and the music wakes me. I leap out of bed and dash to her room to get the [insert bad word] thing turned off before she wakes up. On the way, I may or may not trip over toys or other items in the dark. Because when it wakes her up, she is awake and ready to go. Not my idea of a good time at 2am. So, I love it when it entertains her and transports her to sleepy world, but I HATE the mad dash through the obstacle course at night.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Return to Running & and Song

Tonight we hit the gym for the first time since Amelia's arrival*. It's.....hard for me to leave my baby! But, she is going to be six months old next week and it was now or cancel the membership. It was AMAZING to hit the track again for a run. I haven't run in almost a year, so this was A Very Big Deal to me. I think I had a smile on my face the whole entire time. Oh running, how I have missed you. Tomorrow I may not be able to walk, but it was totally worth it. One hundred thousand million percent.

*I have been working out at home beginning at 5 weeks postpartum.

Patty cake William style

William sings Twinkle, Twinkle/Patty Cake/Happy Birthday (for grandma)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Playing with My New Apple Phone*

*Please note we did not receive any payment for this. This review is a total honest review of our new Apple phone.