
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Babies Everywhere!

Proudly Presenting: The Babies of the 8th Grade Floor June 2006-June 2007

Today we met up with all of the 8th grade teachers to get the picture of all the babies together. It was so fun to see everyone and it was total baby chaos. In addition to all 8 babies that were born in a years time, there were 5 older siblings running around. William had a VERY good time watching everyone and looking at the other babies. He happily showed off his sitting up and standing skills to the other kids. They were quite impressed. William was happy and smiley most of the time. He especially enjoyed playing with Reagan - a baby girl born 2 months before him. They both enjoyed looking and grabbing for each other - and Reagan's pacifier!

8th Grade teachers hanging out

Teachers and babies

Visiting and holding babies

Judy knows how to throw a party!

Matthew: baby #2

Beautiful baby #7: Maya

Sweet baby #7: Maya

Getting the baby picture set up wasn't easy! Tears were shed... Here are babies #1, 2, and 3 (Connor, Matthew, and Reagan)

8th Grade babies (L to R) Connor, Matthew, Reagan, William, Katelyn, Maya, Clayton, and Charlie

Mamas and babies on couch: Stevenia & Connor, Amy & Reagan, Kelly & William, Sherry & Charlie
Mamas/papas behind couch: Amy & Matthew, Sara & Maya, Kim & Katelyn, Michael & Clayton

Does this count as kissing? Babies #3 and #4 sure do like looking at each other (and grabbing and sucking....)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Little White Speck...

There is a little white speck on the front lower gum in William's mouth. Is it a tooth? Hard to say, but we hope so. He was on the crabby side of things and not napping hardly at all. Crabby and drooly babies are not the funnest thing ever. I have spent all day trying to keep his hands free of debris that accumulates there in seconds of being wiped off. He is spending all his time chomping on his fingers (or whatever he can get in there). When they leave his mouth all wet with drool for even a moment, they become covered with gunk. Hair, dust, cat hair, carpet fuzz, dirt, crumbs, and other various little pieces of stuff. On top of that, he is not interested in playing, singing, or most of the other activities we usually do to entertain him. It was a long day... Tomorrow I may try to get a picture of our little speck - but don't count on it. It was hard enough to find a way between his finger to put my finger in his mouth to feel around for the tooth.

Are you sure it is nap time? I thought if he was on his tummy, he might get a little more worn out and put his head down. Then, I would flip him over. He sure looks tired!

I am still working toward my goal of the Y 3 times this week. I got to go today - much like yesterday with meeting John there and then stopping by the ChildWatch area to scope it out again. Still not ready. Maybe next week. Although if this teething stuff keeps up.... just kidding.

William ate his first solid today while I wasn't looking. Paper....mmmm....

Where do you start eating a coupon?

The middle, I guess! I a bad mommy because I didn't stop him right away? I went to get the camera instead...

Mean mommy took away the paper...

We also took one of William new summery outfits out for a test drive. Thank you to (related somehow) Craig and Judy! We did have to up the size to a 12 Month size - which you can see are not that big on him. At least not as big as I thought they would be. The outfits are super cute - I especially like this orange one with a map to the beach on the front. While we were taking the pictures of the cute orange outfit, William was so wiggly in his chair as he tried to eat his fingers. I tried to buckle him in and...the straps don't fit around him anymore. BOO! I had to go and put it away because I know I will get lazy tomorrow and stick him in it for just a minute. Then, something terrible would happen. Good bye bouncy seat (AKA pooping chair).

Thank you Craig and Judy! I look so cute! Can you believe I needed the 12 Month version? And good bye bouncy seat....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Missing: One ladybug Baby Einstien toy and My Car book. I can't figure out where they are and I've been looking for them for a week now. What are we going to do when he starts carrying toys around? We'll never find anything!

Today is actually a big news day for us! First, this morning, William sucessfully rolled over from his back to his stomach. It was completely by accident and it only happened once, but he sure is working hard on it! While attempting to roll over, he is scooting himself around in circles on his play blanket. Today, I cleaned up 3 different areas of our carpet from William spit up deposits. We may have to invest in a carpet cleaner if this continues (why wouldn't it?). The good news on the spit up front is that it appears to be decreasing somewhat today. I think we were in the range of maybe 5 spit ups in a 3 hour period versus the 20-30 spit ups. We'll see if the pattern continues.

Right after his successful roll over - reaching for his block

Our son, the contortionist. Practicing rolling over

More practice and reaching. How frustrating! He pushes the block so he can't reach it and then get mad that he can't reach it...

The second big news event is I actually went to the Y to work out today. I have been feeling like walking just isn't quite enough anymore and it is getting to be stinking hot during the time when I am actually out there. It is the first time since William was born I have gotten myself there. And worked out. John called to tell me when he arrived and I met him in the parking lot about 40 minutes later to hand off William to him. It went well, although I have a feeling that I will be sore tomorrow from it. I am pretty darn proud of myself for this accomplishment - I almost took a picture to document the occasion and then decided against it because I was pretty sweaty and hot. While I was at the Y, I took a minute to check out their child watch facilities for future reference. I talked with the people working and asked 105 different questions about how they handle babies, sanitizing toys, crying babies, poopy babies and when the least busy time of day is. I don't think I will attempt a child watch this week. I think I will focus on my goal of working out at the Y 2 more times this week first. Next week or the week after I will make a goal of dropping him off for real.

Before I go to bed, I would like to thank my dear husband for making this day possible. It meant a lot that he supported me in going back to the Y and helped out with William to make it happen. It would have been a lot harder to go back to the Y AND put Will in childcare for the first time. I probably wouldn't have done it. Then when I got home, he even made dinner AND did dishes! What a great guy....Thank you!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Summer is Here...I think!

Well, it was pretty warm today and many of our summer blooms are coming out. I thought I was going to miss some of my favorite flowers when we were out of town. Yeah! They waited! William and I went out for a walk and got a little weeding done in some of our flower beds before William announced he was done outside.

"Mom's Lilacs"

Pink peonies

White/pink peonies

Purple Clematis

Every year I think the calla lilies didn't make it -and every year I am wrong!

We are trying to tough it out without our air conditioning on for another few days. We are going to have to break down and turn it on soon, but we're trying to hold off a little longer. In the history of the time we have lived in Missouri, I think this is the longest we have even gone into spring/summer without the air on. It is only about 85 degrees now, but it feels pretty warm - we know it is only going to get warmer. Thank goodness tomorrow we are supposed to have some rain and thunderstorms. Maybe we'll get some cooler temperatures with it :)

Using the manual settings on my camera is something I don't usually do because he is moving around too much to catch what I want. Here is some manual practice during nap time (poor kid never catches a break).

And finally, William's newest trick - reaching and grabbing his feet! He has been working on it for a few days now and is getting pretty good at it!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

We made it home! The last hour was a little rough, but we all made it home in one piece. We also want to wish all the moms and grandmas a Happy Mother's Day! We didn't really do much celebrating as we were in the car all day - but John did go and get some yummy bagels for us this morning and treat us to Wendy's while we were driving in the car. We are both looking great as we just got out of the car -tired and hot. We hope everyone had a great day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our first night out!

John and I had a milestone event Friday when we went out for dinner with the Gaedke's without William. We were a little sad, but we knew he was in great hands with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Mike. We went to a place called the Westfire for dinner and drinks - all in all we were gone about 2 and a half hours. Afterwards, we all came back to the McGarry's to visit and check in with our babysitters. Everything went just fine.

Saturday we celebrated Mother's Day by working in the yard and working on the deck project. It was nice to be outside and William liked using his stroller at the nursery gardens with Grandma. This afternoon, we had to say good bye to Uncle Mike as he was leaving for Maine. His flight is early on Sunday morning, so he was leaving for the cities tonight. Then, we went to eat dinner with Grandpa Heidt and Mike & Tien! We were a little late. We were supposed to meet them at 4:30, but William decided it was a good time for a nap! It was good to catch up with them and hear about William's new cousins to be some more. Only 16 more weeks before they will be ready to come and play! After dinner, we came back home and played some cribbage with Grandma and Grandpa after putting William to bed. John and Grandma won twice and Grandpa and I won once - we had a great time!

William has discovered he loves pop cans. Diet Coke especially (the cans, not the contents)


Reaching again...

Someone found my old pair of Mickey Mouse ears...they are still a little big!

Grandpa's big hand - 28 points! WOW!

We are leaving to go back to St Louis today, so I'll write more when we get back home. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Daddy's Back!

We are so glad that John is back! He was able to get out of work a little bit earlier and be back to Rochester in time for dinner! Valentino's! Double woohoo!

William decided it was a good idea to wake up this morning at 4:30am. Not my idea of a good time, especially because we were up until 1:30 am last night playing cards. Not sure why we are going from waking up at 8:30 am to 4:30 am. We're working on that one. We spent the morning snoozing and laying low to let me recover and then we went for a nice long walk. We walked "the parkway" and stopped off at Ed-Ventures to say hello to Jessica. William had a fun time looking at all the stuff on her walls and helping her answer the phones.

Uncle Mike sleeping on the couch with William's bear. Mike was awakened this morning by William's morning bathroom break.

William at work with Jessica

After leaving Ed-Ventures, we walked up Elton Hills Drive to Grandpa Heidt's house. We were able to visit with him for quite awhile before walking back to the McGarry's this afternoon. Uncle Mike did me a HUGE favor today by watching William while I took a shower. It was WONDERFUL! Thanks Uncle Mike! Then....John arrived! William was SO happy to see his daddy - even though he looked crabby because he was just waking up from a nap.