
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 22, 2007

12 Weeks Old!

On Friday, William turned 12 weeks old! Hard to believe next week he will be 3 months. On Friday, we hung around the house, took a walk and watched some movies together. We also did some planting of our garden stuff on Friday. William's newest thing we've noticed is that his tongue is always hanging out of his mouth. He is either chewing on something, trying to chew on something or thinking about chewing on something (I think?). You'll notice in several pictures he isn't wearing his usual cute smile, but a cute smile with a tongue hanging out.

Our official 12 week old picture

Saturday, we got up and I went to a couple of yard sales in the morning before coming home and doing a bunch of yard work with the boys. William played in his stroller very well for most of the time. We found that he is much happier when he is sitting upright than laying down. We also squeezed a walk in and had some family play time last night I think we may have gotten a recording of William laughing last night - I'll post that later tonight or tomorrow with John's help.
William's newest trick - learning to sit up! We're a long way off, but he really REALLY likes to try.

Look! No hands!

And no hands with tongue!

We also did lots of rolling - from tummy to back is getting more frequent - he's learning how to get out of his tummy time!

Today, we got up and got ready for church. We all looked nice - William looked especially nice in the outfit he got from Aunt Cathy and Uncle Joe. We got lots of compliments from people at church about how cute he looked this morning (we couldn't agree more). After church, we went out to eat (mmmm...fajitas) and now are back home just hanging out. We'll probably go out for a walk and maybe work in the yard a little more today to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. I love this 60-70's stuff. Not too hot, not too cold. This week we have a visit from our Parents as Teachers teacher coming on Tuesday afternoon. That should be exciting to learn about the classes they offer and how William is doing developmentally. Fun stuff. The other big thing is for us to start to get ready for our next big trip home to MN to see Uncle Mike (McGarry) when he is home for a visit!

My new outfit! William's favorite thing to do with his new outfit is lick and chew on the overalls part.

Cutie Pie!

All dressed up for church - look no spit up this week (yet...)!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

3 Month Pictures

We were busy bees today! We got William's 3 month pictures taken today. It was okay. I wasn't as excited about them as I was hoping to be. William was distracted by trying to look around at everything and tired during the pictures, which didn't help. They aren't bad, they just aren't as cute as I was hoping they would be. We got zero pictures with a big smile.

We will have them online in the next week or so to share as soon as the prints are processed. After the photo session, we went shopping for a little while and then went home for lunch. After lunch, we made the trip out to West Middle School to help Builders Club/Science Club maintain the outdoor classroom. It was lots of fun to see everyone again - William enjoyed watching everyone run around outside while sitting UP in his stroller for the first time. Only downside= I think he got a little bit of sun on his face! Oops. Guess I'm going to have to break out the sunscreen for him now! After working in the classroom, we went out to eat with another teacher and came home in time for a walk! Busy day! So busy, I actually didn't take any pictures of him today! Can you believe it - this might be the first day I haven't taken any pictures!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We're ready for the beach!

Tomorrow is the big picture day and the scratch on the forehead is almost gone. The bad news: we have a new scratch up the side of the cheek. Argh! What am I supposed to do? We'll be going ahead with the pictures tomorrow unless there is something drastic that happens overnight. We are loving this weather. We got out for a walk and visited with the neighbors a little. Here are some fun pictures from our beach day!

Edit: Bring on the Pictures!

Big smile from a little squirt!

Stretched out on my beach towel...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Help Please (not an emergency)

William was supposed to have his 3 month pictures taken today. However, when I went to his room to get him upthis morning, he had a big scratch running across his forehead! I am mad because I specifically cut his nails yesterday so THIS wouldn't happen. Argh! So, I called and rescheduled for Thurs (and got a better appt. time anyway). Today I realized I needed to decide between a few outfits for him to wear during the pictures anyway. We had a little try on session this morning to see what outfit was the cutest and I'm having a hard time deciding what to put him in. So, I need help please!

Outfit #1 Light Blue Stripes

William spit up big time when I put him into this outfit. Other than that - no reaction good or bad

Outfit #2 Dark Blue Stripes
William also spit up on this outfit. Welcome to my life! William really enjoyed trying to shove the corner of the collar on this outfit into his mouth. I had a hard time getting the collar on the left side to lay flat. Other than that, no reaction.

I explained to William what I was doing and why. I carefully observed him to see which outfit made him "happier". As you can see from above, I didn't get a very clear answer from him! So, if you all would leave me a comment, send me an e mail or call me on the phone before Thursday, I would appreciate it very much!

My outfit after the try on session: Note the spit up on the pants and shirt - this is from 1 spit up! You also can't see the spit up from earlier down the other side!

In other news, today was another gorgeous day! We went out for a walk and then poked around in the yard for awhile to enjoy the weather. We hope everyone got to be out and enjoy a little bit also!

hope to hear lots of opinions soon!

Half way there!

In the last week, William has been working pretty darn hard to get off of his back. Well, we are halfway there. Almost everytime he is on his back, he is rolling easily over onto his side! I don't think it will be too long before we are completely rolling over every direction!

Rolling over to knock over the blocks!

Rolling over to get more of the burp cloth into my mouth


P.S. Sorry about the onesie being so low cut! We're in the process of moving him into the 12 Month sized onesies - the 3-9 month size keeps popping open when he stretches and moves around! This baby needs to remember he is a BABY!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Beautiful Day

It was a great day! The weather here was gorgeous, so we went out for a walk and then visited with some of the neighbors! What a beautiful day!

Edit: I also want to add that Uncle Mike (McGarry) will be coming to Rochester on April 29 and leaving on May 14. Yeah! It is looking like we will be in Rochester from May 2 - May 12 (with John returning to St Louis again to work as before).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Videos and Goodbye Wallace!

We are in the process of uploading some videos! Click the links on the left side of the page. John promises me you will be able to tell which videos are from before and which ones are new somehow!

Today, we got up and got ready for church. Things were going great when we were about ready William spit up and I had to do some changing. We got to church and realized that church started 15 minutes earlier than we thought and church was almost over. Oops. Bad planning on our part! So, rather than walk in 40 minutes late to church, we went out for pancakes and said a prayer on the way. When we got home, we took a walk together and then worked in the yard. John worked in the basement a little and then got a haircut. William is still working pretty hard on the rolling over stuff, but we don't have it yet! Check out the video from yesterday (4/14) of him trying to get rolled over from his back to his front!

We have also officially said goodbye to Wallace. Wallace was a gigantic, ugly wart on my thumb. He appeared when I was pregnant and I had it taken off once. He came back bigger and uglier. My OB thought it could be from the pregnancy hormones and suggested waiting until after the baby came to get it taken care of for good. Wallace got bigger and badder looking at the end of the pregnancy. After William was born, it seemed like Wallace was getting smaller and smaller. In the last few weeks, he has all but disappeared. After consulting with John today, we have decided that Wallace the Wart has departed - for good, we hope!

Happy Sunday!