
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Fall Day

We went for a drive to see a friend in the country today. The leaves this year are gorgeous! Too bad it has been so WET we haven't been able to get out much and take pictures. I'll keep working on it!

John was working late last week and I was...well, at my wit's ends inside. So, we went outside to play diggers on the driveway and wait for daddy to come home.

William carefully "parked" his cars in the "garage" on the far left of this picture. Amelia saw an opportunity.
Do you think he'll notice if I take just one more? Note: she has three out of the five diggers in her possession currently.
William drives his diggers. Serious business folks.
Amelia drives her digger.Amelia drives her digger and William realizes she has a digger. Also note: there are ruffles on her socks. This clearly will balance out the playing with diggers.

William decides he can share the digger bucket with Amelia, but not any of the diggers...

I decide this is a good time to take Ms Amelia and try to get some pictures with her in the fall leaves.

Yummy! Leaves!This photo shoot was initially cut short because - YOU ARE SQUISHING YOU SISTER! NO IT ISN'T FUNNY! STOP RIGHT NOW! ARGH!!! [photo shoot ends] and then it turns out, she managed to get that whole leaf into her mouth without me noticing. So, it was time to stop anyway.

Every little thing he does is magic

Both of them. William and Grandpa are both magic in Amelia's eyes.


I love babbling. Love it. I wish I could put it is a bottle and keep it up on a shelf somewhere to be brought out when our kids are teenagers and driving me a whole different variety of crazy.


Earlier this week we had soup for dinner. We've been eating a lot of soup because the weather has been cold and rainy. Perfect for soup. Soupy kinds of days. John and I were teamed up in the kitchen, moving fast to get dinner on the table. Steaming bowls of soup were sitting on the table as we put the finishing touches on whatever else we were eating that evening. I turned around to find William in my chair with his face very close to my bowl.

"William!!! WILLIAM!! Please be careful! Mama's soup is VERY hot!"

"It's okay Mama. I just blowing your soup UP! I'm a helper!

and then I about died right there on the kitchen floor, trying not to laugh at him. Because he was so serious about blowing. up. my. soup. I'm still laughing.

Other things William has done lately that make me laugh:

I am totally in love with the way he says the words "excavator" and "helicopter" (heptacopter)

And here I was trying to get Amelia babbling recorded and ended up getting William playing the smallest violin in the world. I think he is hysterical. Or, I need to get out more. Or both.


Amelia has a few different laughs. Above is the new evil baby laugh. It comes from somewhere dark and deep inside her.

And here is the giant, deep, belly laugh. I can't hear this one without laughing myself! William is the best at getting this laugh from her, but daddy does a great job too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tooth #4

Front left


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here's the Mail

It never fails....
It makes me wanna
Wag my taiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll
When it comes
I want to waaaaaiiiiilllll


(PS This is William's favorite song right now. He sings it ALL the time. And requests it every night during our bedtime routine. I tried to find a link to it, but it appears people like to do scary things with this song. Go try Youtube yourself if you don't believe me.)

We love getting mail. William is still dragging around his Valentine's day and Easter cards with him. They go with him to bed, up and down the stairs. I draw the line at taking them out in the car with us, but if I would let him, he would. This week has been a big mail week and I wanted to share.

A halloween card from Great Grandma Nona and Great Grandpa Budd

We read it over and over and over and over

Sometimes it is a little scary how closely he studies things. I wonder what he is thinking about. Luckily, I don't have to wonder long. His little mouth isn't quiet for long these days.

We also got a package from some special internet friends! Thank you Nicole!
So exciting! William unwraps while Amelia looks on
I got the coolest knitted (I think?) bracelet! I will be wearing it for SURE this holiday season with my new gray sweater! If I would have known there was something so awesome for me in the package, I would have dressed...well not in a T shirt and sweats!
William got a hat! It is wonderful, awesome and amazing. He has worn it every time we've left the house the last few days. And honestly a lot inside the house. He takes it off occasionally to admire the W patch on the front of the hat. "W is for me! William!" he announces proudly.
Amelia also got a beautiful hat! Nicole left the ribbon long so I could adjust it to her head size (good thinking!). Amelia was very entertained by the ribbon.
She also really liked Nicole's pink card (in her hands, kind of blends in with her outfit). I finally took it away from her when she had chewed a hole in it.
New hats together - I love LOVE Amelia's face in this one.
The two new hats! Just in time for winter! Now I just have to finish (okay, okay, I'll be honest. I haven't even started. BUT! I've been thinking about it!) my crafty project to send back to them.
Ooooooo! More mail on the same day! Another card!
We got a HUGE pile of stickers from Great Grandma Gerry and Great Grandpa Tom. We looked at these stickers for a very VERY long time. We love stickers.