
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, May 7, 2007


Well, things have really been going on high around here. I have logged in twice to start an update and just haven't gotten it done! I just said good bye to Great Grandma and Grandpa McGarry and William is still sleeping. For now.

On Friday, Grandpa Kevin has the day off! Hurray! To celebrate, we helped him start a deck project :) We took down all the overhead pieces of wood and scraped and sanded...until it started to rain. Then, we hung around the house until Grandma Kim came home. For dinner, we were able to go to Valentino's for dinner ( We were extra happy that Grandpa Heidt was able to join us as well as all of William's Great Grandparents. After dinner, we came back to the house to visit some more and eat some yummy cupcakes made by great grandma Gerry. Of course, what would a night be without phase 10? So, we played! (I lost)

Saturday I would rate as one of the hardest days we have had with William so far. John and I have been wondering if William was teething and on Saturday we had our answer. Yes. Oh yes. William got up at about 9:30 and ate a little bit before he began crying. As soon as we stopped trying to feed him, his mood got a little better. He was a little bit fussy and chewed his hands like they were made out of candy for the rest of the day. We tried to feed him again around noon and he refused to eat. He cried and turned his head and refused to eat. He has never EVER turned down food. Grandma Kim was the only one brave enough to put her fingers in his mouth. She confirmed she could feel at least one tooth on the bottom pushing through. We can't see it yet, but we feel a little better knowing why he is fussing so much. William refused to eat for the rest of the day until 7pm, missing 3 full feedings. It was more than a little stressful for us! The good news is that he slept great through the night and has been okay since then with the eating. Hopefully, we'll get this tooth through...and then the next 20 he is supposed to get.

In happier news, we also helped Grandpa Kevin some more with the deck project. We did some more scraping and sanding. We helped take down some hardware and enjoyed a trip to Home Depot. For dinner, we were treated to Culvers by Great Grandma Gerry (mmmmm). Most importantly, we played a game of Phase 10 tonight and I came out on top! Hurray!

On Sunday, we had a nice family picnic for my brother, Michael. The great grandparents were all here, Kaye, Scott, Megan (and puppies), Ryan, Kevin Wennersten, and of course us were all together to visit and see everyone. It has been awhile since we were all together, so it was a very nice day. We had picnic food: hamburgers and chicken on the grill, salads and baked beans. We had a very nice time! One of William's favorite things was getting to meet his Great Uncle Kevin for the first time. He also really liked showing off his sailor suit in honor of Uncle Mike!

William and Great Uncle Kevin

On Sunday, William played a little tune to entertain everyone before lunch.

On Sunday, we got to take some "generation" pictures. Here is Great Grandparents Wennersten, Grandma Kim, Me and William

William and his Great Grandparents Wennersten

The Great Grandparents McGarry, Grandpa Kevin and William

The Great Grandparents McGarry, Grandpa Kevin, Me and William

The 2 sailor boys: William in his sailor suit and Uncle Mike

After lunch on Sunday, John, uncle Kevin, Megan and Great Grandparents Wennersten all left. We were sad to see them go, but enjoyed visiting very much. We also know that John needs to go back to work for a few days and he'll be back as soon as he can. After dinner, William impressed us all by going down to sleep at 8:45 pm (and slept all the way through until 8:45am). We were able to squeeze in another game of phase 10. I am totally AMAZED by the self titled "amazing one" AKA TA McGarry. It was a close game, but in the end I came in second to the card shark.

And that bring us back to today! Everyone has left to go home or go to work. I thought about going to help (harass) Grandpa Kevin at work today until I realized I don't have a car. If it stops raining, we might pull the stroller out and go to visit Grandpa Heidt this afternoon. The other plan is start looking at our flight options for when we go to my cousin Beth's wedding in November. Whew! If you read all this, you should e mail me for a gold star!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

We Remember Grandma Heidt

Today is a sad day for us as we remember Grandma Heidt. She was a wonderful mom and Grandma. We are sad William never got to meet his Grandma for us all to see. We spent some time talking with William about his special "angel Grandma" today as a way to remember how special she is to all of us. We decided to take pictures of William in front of "Grandma's Tree" in our front yard to help us remember the day. We thought it would be a nice tradition to take a picture every year to remember her as well as show how much the tree and William have grown every year. Here are some of our pictures from this year.

William in our front yard by Grandma's tree on his blanket from Aunt Susie Heidt.

Kelly and William by the ash tree planted for Grandma

Kelly and William measure up to the tree in our front yard planted for Grandma Heidt

John and William

Big Smiles from a big boy!

We spent part of the day with Grandpa Heidt. It was nice to visit with him and remember Grandma Heidt. Then we had dinner with the McGarry's. William got to meet his uncle Mike McGarry for the first time early this morning, but we got our first official picture with him this afternoon. William enjoyed visiting with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kaye, and all of his Great Grandparents. We especially were glad to see Great Grandma Nona up and feeling better after her surgery last week!

William and Uncle Mike McGarry

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Loading up!

Do we have everything? I don't know...but the car is full! We decided to try and take the smaller car this time because it gets better mileage. Technically, we can seat 5 people in this car. Today, I think we'll be lucky to get all three of us in! I'm going to try and take pictures of us loaded up this time. We'll be leaving this afternoon as soon as John gets home from work! See everyone soon!

Edited to add pictures!

Last night, William helped us pack some stuff and practiced sitting up in the laundry basket.
Hanging out in my laundry basket

Today was Derby Day at WMS! William had a great time helping "teach" 3-4 classes and even helped Miss Ellen answer a few phone calls. "Hello! This is West Middle School!"

William on the road to Rochester to see everyone! What a happy guy!

We didn't bring our baby tub, so William had his first bath in the big boy tub at Grandma's house!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Getting Ready

We had a pretty good weekend. We spent some time outside and on Saturday John went in to work to make up for us being out of town next week. On Saturday, William's baby book finally arrived in the mail. I spent my free time Saturday and Sunday working on filling in William's baby book. Sunday we got to church and then went out to the Roadhouse for dinner. William entertained us at the roadhouse by shaking his rattle and dropping it on the floor (yuck).

We're spending tonight getting ready for our trip home on Wednesday or Thursday. We're excited to see everyone!

Rolling onto his side and playing with his rattle

Hey! This isn't a real phone...

Hanging out with the lizard in the exersaucer

Friday, April 27, 2007

I have a headache-blech

I have a headache. I think I am going to go to bed now. We had a very nice day We got up this morning and played together before going over to Mary, Sunny, and Lydia's house to play. William was a very good boy and really liked watching 1 year old Lydia run around and play. Lydia was VERY good at sharing her toys with William and even sent us home with a toy called jumperoo! It is super fun! We took pictures - I'll add them tomorrow morning. This evening we made a Target run and watched a movie together. All in all in was a very nice day (not counting this head ache).


the heidts

Jumperoo - thanks Lydia

Mudd helping with laundry

Such a good helper!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

3 Months Old!

Can you believe our baby is 3 months old? We can't believe it either! Enjoy our pictures of our guy from today!

Not all the pictures come out the way I was hoping for!

Waving around his sign...

Eating his hand

Rolling over...

Moving the sign around.

Hope everyone had a great day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Day in the Life of William

Some people have asked me what I do all day while I am at home. Other people just want to know what William does during the day. So, here is a summary of what we did today, with pictures included.

8:00ish am - William wakes up and hangs out. I can hear him babbling away and moving around in his crib
8:30am - William starts fussing and I go get him to feed him. Ordinarily, he is sleeping in his room in the crib. But, last night we had very strong thunderstorms predicted with possible "scattered tornados" according to our weather man (honest, he said they would be scattered). For some reason, I needed him to be closer to me if the sirens were going to go off, so he slept in our closet in the pack n play. Somehow, he ended up sideways this morning. I have NO idea when this happened! I do know he started out with his head ON the burp cloth.

Sometime during the feeding or right after (after today), we usually change that diaper that has been on him all night! We love those Pampers because they keep him dry from 10pm - 8am! Here is Mr. Smiley after changing his diaper this morning.

After William is changed and fed, he sits in his bouncy chair while I eat breakfast. Usually, he plays and "talks" with his toys clipped to the top of the chair - today was no different!

After breakfast is mommy time. Every morning, we spend some time playing, talking, singing, kissing, and whatever else sounds good. I didn't take any pictures because during that half hour because the only rule is that it is all about William (no laundry, no dishes, no phone calls, etc). Today we sang songs, snuggled and talked to each other. I love mommy time. After mommy time, we worked on some tummy time and some reaching for things directly above his head. Here he is working on reaching.

Sometime during the end of playtime, William starts to get fussy. This morning it was about 9:45. So, that means it is almost nap time. We usually try to change the positions or activity when he starts getting fussy - but when he stays fussy, it is time for a sleep. Here is my guy going down for his nap! He does a great job - I put him down and he sucks on his fingers until he falls asleep! It usually only takes 5-10 minutes for that to happen.

William usually sleeps for 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the day. While he is sleeping, I try and tackle one area of the house and tidy up. Then, I try and take some time for myself for the rest of nap time.

Well, now you might start noticing a pattern. When William wakes up again, it is time to eat. Today, William work up right around 11am for a snack. He eats and then plays for awhile. Usually after William eats and gets a diaper change, we get ready and go out for a walk in the neighborhood. Today, when we got out to walk, it started to sprinkle. So, we went to Target instead to return some stuff and look at high chairs.

On the way home, William decided it was nap time again. When we got home, I took advantage of the nap time and got a little yard work done while he napped in hearing distance in the car.

William woke up about 2 and it was time to eat again. We had a little messy spit up problem and required not only a diaper but outfit change.

After a little play time, we went for a short walk in the neighborhood. For a short walk, we tried out the stroller without the carseat. William like it to much, he fell asleep sitting up - a first for us. It was so cute!

When we got home, the best part of our day: Daddy was home! We usually all hang out for a little while before we get started on dinner. Another outfit change - gotta love the spit up. Tonight, John made dinner while I fed William. Then we played for awhile together and watched a little TV.

After eating again at 7:45, it was time to get ready for a bath. Bath time is always lots of fun - William likes being the water and being naked even more. We'll eat again between 9:45 and 10:15 and then it is bedtime. Then we'll start it all over again tomorrow!

until tomorrow - goodnight,

the heidts