While we were in Rochester, we got a special treat! We got to play with our cousins Alex and Elena! This was super exciting because Amelia hasn't ever met these cousins or her Auntie Tien.

Here is everyone coming up the steps at Grandpa's! William in the lead and everyone (but daddy) behind him!

The four cousins: Amelia, William, Alex & Elena. William clearly missed the memo about wearing yellow that day to match everyone else. Our kids are all about the books. So, even though they were excited about the cousins being around, when Uncle Mike started reading, they were mesmerized.

Our beautiful niece, Elena and nephew, Alex (they're getting so big!)

For a very short moment, Elena and William were pushing the car back and forth between each other. It is so fun to watch them start playing together!

This picture is actually funnier if you make it bigger by clicking on it. Amelia uses the Star Wars light up toy to light up her eyes!

It's just the age. Although William and his cousins are only 6 months apart in age, it is more age appropriate for them to play next to each other instead of with each other yet. But, it is coming, and I can't wait. Here is William lining up his cars on the couch.

Amelia trying to steal toys from Elena. Or get into her lap. Or pull her hair. You know, just be right next to her because she is so cool.

I felt bad because Amelia was being kind of crabby while we were visiting...but once Auntie Tien got her hands on her, she was just fine!

Although Aunt Tien made Amelia happy, Elena wasn't so sure about her mama holding another baby...

Ahhhh....how cute! Elena has kisses for Amelia!

Alex has kisses too! (only he was too fast and I didn't catch the kiss)

William wasn't about to be left out of this fun game! Here he is coming in for the kiss for his baby sister.

Elena and William kissing (bad angle, but you know they move so fast when they are this age!)...if you want to be totally accurate, this is Elena kissing William and William is letting her.

I'm not sure what is so funny, but here are the girls! Aunt Tien, Amelia & Elena

More happy girls!

This time I was more prepared! I remembered to request a group shot! I knew I was going to have to move fast, so here are a bunch of shots of the kiddos (Alex, Elena, Amelia & William)

Right away Amelia notices Elena is next to her...ooooohhh pretty girl! Elena isn't sure what to do...

What pretty hair you have Elena! I just want to look at it...

Aunt Tien (or Mama to Elena) to the rescue!

Elena is one smart cookie - she isn't going to let that happen again! She moves WAY away from Amelia. Amelia isn't about to let a little distance stop her. She is one determined little girl. It also appears William has some concerns about his own precious head of hair.

Game over, the kiddos are done