
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 23, 2009


We had a lot of family anxious to meet Amelia, but the friends were lining up also! We were so excited to bring out baby girl to meet some new friends! Again, in no particular order...

First up is my best friend from high school, Jessica. In the background is her wonderful husband Chris and her adorable daughter Cana.
Better picture of Jessica, although it doesn't have the cutie in the background (that would be Cana, not Chris for the record)
Our girls! I still get a little teary with disbelief when I look at these pictures. I STILL can't believe we have a baby girl! We couldn't get over how tall Amelia is next to Cana. Cana is almost 6m months old and Amelia is almost 2 months old. We grow 'em tall 'round here!

These two are going to be friends for sure! At one point, the girls were almost holding hands. Of course, I did not get a picture of it! I love the fact that both girls have the crazy hair going on.
We also got to meet another awesome friend from high school with her new baby at the park. Here is Robyn and Mariella. Mariella is 27 days older than Amelia.
The girls (same blanket, different baby on the right)! As you can see, Mariella has discovered her feet recently. I don't think I have any pictures of her with her feet down!
We met Robyn and her family at a local park so our big kids could play while the mamas and babies visited. I was so happy to have some helpers with us at the park: Aunt Megan, Uncle Mike, and Daddy. I really got to enjoy my time visiting with the babies while the big kids could play.
The big kids! Jacob on the left and William on the right. Jacob is 5 months older than William. And, yes, William put his own hat on and wouldn't let anyone fix it so it was straight. He really is 2!
Jacob and William do a high five. The boys were not at all interested in meeting each other or having their picture taken together. They just wanted to play. It took a lot of work to get these few pictures of them together!
Uncle Mike shows William how it is done. It sure was nice of him to come with to keep an eye on William...seeing as he didn't enjoy himself!
Uncle Mike decided it was time to instruct William in the blowing of dandelion seeds
The lesson begins...
First attempt...
Second attempt. If you look carefully, you will see the dandelion seeds stuck to William's mouth. I think more went in than blew away!

We also were able to meet up with another high school friend, Jesse. We haven't seen Jesse in over a year and he drove in to see Amelia be baptized at our old church. What a special day for us!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Long Trip + Meeting the Great Grandparents

We made our first trip home to Minnesota to visit over Memorial Day weekend. This trip was a big deal for a few reasons. First of all, this would be our first long trip with Amelia in the car. Second, this would be our first long trip in the car with two kids to entertain. Third, this was our first trip after our car accident after Christmas. So, a lot to contend with. But, we were ready. Or as ready as we were going to be.

Amelia is dressed and ready to go...until she spit up all over her outfit. Note the color differences between the left and right side of the overalls. Yes, we have a spitter.
How are you supposed to entertain a 7 week old baby for 6 hours? Carseat toys worked for awhile.
Amelia studies her toys hard
Amelia is so tired
William had the whole backseat to himself. He did a GREAT job! I was so proud of him! He did a wonderful job keeping himself entertained for most of the trip which was good because he was just about out of reach from mama.
William is tired too
So handsome
And here is what John was doing.

With this being our first trip north, we had a lot of people excited to meet Amelia. They were practically lining up and down the street. I think we could have made a bundle by charging admission. So, here are the new family members Amelia met, in no particular order (can't be playing favorites)

Great Grandpa Budd is always a favorite with the M&M's in his shirt pocket
Great Grandpa Budd snuggles in with Amelia. A special note about Amelia's outfit. This is an outfit given to me when I was a baby by my grandparent's friends, the Gravdahls.
These two look mighty comfy together here!

Great Grandpa with his Great Grandchildren
Amelia charms Great Grandma Nona
Such a precious moment. Great Grandpa takes pictures.
Great Grandma Nona works to get a smile
Our first attempt with Great Grandpa Tom didn't work out so well. For the record, this was bad timing on my part. Amelia was tired AND hungry...not the best time to get a great picture.
Now that is better! Amelia works her charms on Great Grandpa Tom
She loved looking at Great Grandpa. I could have gone away for a long time and I don't think either one of them would have noticed.
Great Grandma Gerry finally gets her hands on that baby!
The Great Grandparents McGarry admire Amelia while she works her charm on them. I think it is working!
So sweet! Remind me to tell you a not so sweet story about these two later. Hint: It involves poop.
Look at how happy they are!
All smiles for the Great Grangerry
And Auntie Kaye...
What attitude from the peanut!

And a few other pictures with family:

Snoozing with Daddy

Snoozing with Uncle Mike
So tired!

But, it isn't always easy to get your hands on her with our resident baby hog around: Grandma!

Being cute with Grandma! Amelia the Lamb!

And finally, William was so in love with this truck, he took it to bed. He didn't want it out of his sight for even a moment! Thanks for sharing your trucks Uncle Mike!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wrapping Up the Week

Here are some random pictures from the last week. I'm working on several posts about our big Memorial Day weekend as well.

Do you cut coupons? If you do, you maybe saw these in the paper a few weeks ago: Marinades and BBQ sauces in different beverage flavors. Orange Crush Marinade? thank you.

This cat's name could be Garfield. Antisocial, likes to eat, orange, loves to sleep in the shoe box...
And we paid a visit to our friends at West Middle last week to congratulate them on finishing out their year.

Amelia goes to school and meets up with her friend Lily. And look! Lily is happy this time! William is not pictured. He was busy trying to figure out how to jam the copy machine or break into the soda machine.

The Wiggler

I remember William doing this as well. But, the first time he moved, it wasn't this far! I don't know how she did this while swaddled. For reference, her head started out on the cloth at the top of the crib.